[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

can’t believe you’re still genuinely arguing with me after Telaryn revealed my true nature


Sorry, drained of its power. Poor wording on my part.

Point is that the short story establishes that performing the ritual on Nathanos cost the Greater Val’kyr its life essence and power. She’s out of the question if Sylvanas wants to cheat death now after Tyrande killed Brynja.

There’s no indication the drain was permanent.

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Sylvanas glanced at the implacable visage of the ghostly battle maiden. “It is an arduous endeavor, one they are reluctant to undertake. Without the Lich King’s energies feeding them, I believe it requires a portion of their own essence to succeed.” She turned toward him. “But it is my desire, so it will be done.”

He stepped closer to the Banshee Queen and watched her expression. He told himself it was for the delight of provoking her again. But that was a lie. He wanted something more. “If the Val’kyr can only do this once… why choose me?”

There’s no indication it was temporary.

That might aswell main the Val’kyr can only upgrade one Forsaken… Not that her life-essence won’t return? Perhaps the nature of that spell makes it so its available only once per Val’kyr?

Like in the same way that only Tyrande is the Night Warrior, while technically everybody could do the ritual! :open_mouth:

I think? Did that make sense?

Doesn’t mean they can’t still ress Sylv though.


I’d be curious to learn the sauce of this tho. Entire questline to go right under wowhead’s noses does seem somewhat suspicious.

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With what power? The val’kyr’s described as small and defenseless after her life essence was sacrificed to empower Nathanos.

If it’s not her power that makes the resurrection possible, why not use literally any other lesser val’kyr instead of a Pact Val’kyr for resurrection?

Seems a bit like overreacting to sacrifice three greater ones if they could have just used lesser ones all along due to the power of the greater ones being irrelevant. Or then she needs their actual power, and she only has 2 left at full power with one drained for Nathanos. Which one is less of a reach to you?

Think it’s a bit of epic bait. It isn’t appearing in any of the usual places to find leaks and could be staged in a sandbox like anything

“four Horsemen”

“so easily” used twice in adjacent sentences.

Yeah I’m calling BS.


Hold your horse here, friend… Its Blizzard we’re talking about.

everything is possible with them!

An entire questline can not be datamined like that. Broadcast? Maybe. But not entire questline to play. So only way for this to be real is a Blizzard snitch. So already something to suspend our disbelief on. And somehow this picture only appears on AD forums. Add poor writing in both literal and metaphorical sense. I’m not buying it.


Lets just wait untill Unclemito confirms it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy:

I hope Lich Empress Sylvanas will up the starting level of DKs

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I’d be happy if this was fake.

Fake story is better than it making into the live game.

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You could easily make something like this on a private server like RPH, but it would be quite the elaborate prank.

Please don’t taint Arthas and Bolvar and the Ebon Knights with the Banshee Witch’s filth.


I wonder how much of Ner’zhul is left? He might be incredibly irritated at being removed from Icecrown.

That screencap is funny.

Honestly, death knights are just so easily defeated … :muscle:

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takes your necropolis easily

Owned quite easily, just like they got owned at Light’s Hope by a flashlight (easily)