[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Maybe it’s a vision of N’zoth?

Actually no. Blizzard doesn’t make technical mistakes like that, at least in main storylines of this caliber. Minor mistakes like “Kal’dorei” do slip into, say, item names sometimes, but that’s a very rare occurrence and it certainly doesn’t happen in dialogue of such major importance.

But yes, I’m calling shenanigans. I haven’t been able to find this anywhere except this thread. And datamined stuff usually appears on Wowhead first.


It actually did happened during the Darkshore questlogs but I couldn’t find them. But point is valid.

Scrolls of Lore usually datamines stuff before it gets posted on wowhead. Scrolls of Lore’s got nothing on this.

And for it to be “accessible” like that would mean it’s already on the latest PTR build for everyone to complete. It’s not.


He’s the horse.

Sylvanas is the Horseman.



That one wasn’t killed so it’s 3 instead


Not killed, but still drained of its life force / power so it’s 2 instead

can u slide me the sauce saying that juicing up Nathan = losing total relevance as a val’kyr or is this a cannon strapped upon thine head

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Another Telaryn applying his headcanon to Blizzard stories routine

It’s Traveller all over again …


Instead I quoted it above my guy

Sylvanas glanced at the implacable visage of the ghostly battle maiden. “It is an arduous endeavor, one they are reluctant to undertake. Without the Lich King’s energies feeding them, I believe it requires a portion of their own essence to succeed.” She turned toward him. “But it is my desire, so it will be done.”

He stepped closer to the Banshee Queen and watched her expression. He told himself it was for the delight of provoking her again. But that was a lie. He wanted something more. “If the Val’kyr can only do this once… why choose me?”

When the tide of agony receded and his wits returned, Nathanos’s eyes flickered open and the room took shape.The Val’kyr knelt in one corner. The creature, who had seemed so immense and implacable, now appeared small and defenseless.

none of those actually say what you’re saying they say though.

Not one of those says “now they can’t fulfill the 1-up bargain”


Trashboat identifying the most important part of the patch


The Val’kyr gets drained of its life essence enough to be permanently weakened and defenseless. How do you think that makes it powerful enough to perform its part of Sylvanas’s requirement for resurrection, when one of her val’kyr has been drained of its power? To date it requires three greater val’kyr at full power. She does not have that anymore.

Do you have some hidden lore?

Weakened and defenseless =/= completely useless. idk chief, long as it doesn’t say “This val’kyr can’t fulfill the bargain”, it doesn’t say that. You’re free to believe otherwise, but that’s headcanon at best.

You’re the one that’s gotta reveal some hidden lore to support your point, here :eyes:

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Not completely useless as a val’kyr, but also not powerful enough like the ritual has required so far :slight_smile:

This leads me back to a previous question:

I never contested it lost total relevance as a val’kyr, so I don’t know what you’re trying to gain out of shifting the goalpost.

How is it shifting the goalpost when it’s repeating my initial question? Wacky dodge, friend.

C’mon, hit me up with this statement saying this val’kyr can’t fulfill the bargain, instead of esoteric speculation. You go on about full power etc too but that’s a new one, as well, to me.

It’s shifting the goal when you’re coming from the assumption I’m saying that being drained of power = it’s useless as a Val’kyr. Unless you can find that quote from my posts, you’re arguing something I’ve never even said in the first place which is a weird thing to do.

But suppose it doesn’t require three val’kyr at full power. Why does it need three if their remaining power isn’t relevant? Why not just use one really powerful one if the amount of power you’re getting out of them isn’t a concern?

Greater Val’kyr can create multiple lesser val’kyr too as we’ve seen in the quests at Andorhal. Why not keep feeding the lesser ones at the ritual until you’ve got enough magic juice to resurrect Sylvanas? All things considered it’s a bit of a contrived assumption that there’s no consequence to this val’kyr giving up most of its power to the point of being left permanently weakened, when the short story raises up the very concern in the first place. They have only so much power to do things, and sacrificing it comes at a cost.

by the quote you like to emphasize, it is weakened and defenseless. And per your vision, unable to fulfill the bargain. Hence, useless, might as well be a trash boss/mob in some dungeon. Useless = irrelevant. This doesn’t require a huge thinker.

I didn’t write the setting amigo, and you’re the one making claims of it requiring full power, of this valkyr being unable to do it. The burden of proof rests entirely on you.

If that worked, wouldn’t they have done that to begin with? Is this more Telaryn-brand headcanon?