[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Even if Telaryn was right, I find it kind of cute to assume Blizzard would remember and care for that detail.

If push comes to shove, they’ll just res her with two and go:“Yeah, well, these Val’kyr were better than the previous ones.” The hands of the creators won’t be bound by this pesky continuity if, or rather, when they want to write another resurrection.


The dialogue has obviously never been good so it’s nice they’ve embraced it and gone with “I am glad that I have defeated you all really easily.”


This lore is strong, I respect it a lot

Another leak:


Telaryn owned easily again?!

Whats with this “owned” word making a return? I mean thats something from ancient times! GET UP TO DATE TO THE CURRENT TIME! D:<

Also whats with this King, Player, and other names you use to adress other… well players? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sometimes the PCU scares me because I get confused by them and their etiquette’s! D:

Yeah but there’s more to it than just resurrecting Sylvanas when she needs her plot armour. Even if she’s unable to perform that, it doesn’t mean she’s unable to do anything else val’kyr can. If that were the case, why does Sylvanas ever feel the need to use lesser val’kyr if they’re unable to resurrect her?

So again, I’m not saying she’s completely useless. Be a lot cooler if you didn’t apply your headcanon here.

In the Dark Mirror story they juxtapose the ritual with which the three val’kyr resurrected Sylvanas as being the same thing that was done to Nathanos, only greater in scope (and thus, the power required).

After a moment of silent seething, the Dark Lady regained her composure. "The power of the Val’kyr will preserve my body for ages to come. Your once-human form, like those of my other Forsaken, will not enjoy such longevity. I would prevent your decay, spare you the pain I experienced when…"

So three val’kyr gave up all their power to the point of destroying themselves in the process to resurrect Sylvanas, and they compare the ritual to the one Nathanos goes through, only that Nathanos wasn’t being resurrected and he wasn’t a greater undead yet, so it required less power – yet even then it left the val’kyr permanently drained. But contextually they mirror them as being the same ritual.

That’s what I’m saying. It doesn’t work like that, so they don’t do it. Glad we agree on that.

Do you need like some kind of reading comprehension lesson? I’m currently studying to become an English teacher, so maybe I can give some pointers since you seem to be struggling to interpret what I’m saying and seeing things that aren’t there.

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y’all forgot something important

continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of the developers
continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of the developers
continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of the developers
continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of the developers
continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of the developers


You’re essentially arguing that she’s of little more value than a lesser val’kyr, who got killed really really easily in Andorhal, ergo useless.

So it’s a really diluted version of the same ritual. This still doesn’t say that it’s impossible for the val’kyr to fulfill that Pact now.

yes this is how the Pact works. This is the only known parameter to fulfill the Pact she made with Annhylde. Nothing is ever written about it requiring them to be at full power, all that we’re shown is that it’s trading their lives to restore Sylvanas.

yes, we agree that the lesser val’kyr who weren’t part of the initial Pact can’t complete said Pact.

i fail to see how this relates to the 9 Greater val’kyr who ARE part of that Pact.

I’d genuinely recommend another career.

(hey pal judging by that snark at the end of ur last post I can tell you’re getting a bit antsy, if u want an easy out just go grhhhhhk sorry ghrrrk im driving through a tunnel i can’t hear y- and then quickly stop posting)


Listen to my boy Boush, and stop this senseless bickering.
The real enemy is Ion for sanctioning this trash lore

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Bobby :heart:

Still not my point.

And if the diluted ritual leaves it drained of her power, do you think she has the power to perform an ever more demanding version of it? It’s the same parameters, only Sylvanas’s resurrection demands even more power. Power that our gal currently does not have. Where do you reckon it would magically come from?

Instead I’m just trying to RP at the same time and you’re still reading into things that aren’t there. The offer stands though, feel free to hit me up on Discord: Dodger#6969

Thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

everything else in your post is :zzz: but thankfully the only relevant stuff is in one easily quoted paragraph to which i can rlly easily reply with recycled quotes of my own

which you all conveniently have yet to prove me wrong on.

It’s ok bud, you bought into some zany headcanon and speculation, that happens. Just don’t go around pretending it’s the factual canon of the setting when you are actually just completely incapable of backing it up.

I’m just trying to be nice to you my friend

which doesn’t refute anything :frowning:

Because like we both know, it’s a diluted version of the same ritual, and the val’kyr in question got drained too much by that alone. If she’s unable to repeat the diluted version of the same ritual, how is she supposed to perform Sylvanas’s resurrection?

She can’t. The ritual require’s three val’kyr’s power. Third one is unable to do that. Therefore Sylvanas is unable to resurrect now. Try though I might I can’t put it any simpler than that.

the snark doesn’t look good on you :clown_face:

actually you’ll find that it’s my brand :sunglasses: and looks whacky when people try to copy it

at risk of repeating myself, where is it stated that the third one is now unable to do it? or is it, as I already was kind enough to point out:

because so far, I have yet to actually see any canonical, factual source say “This val’kyr is now unable to fulfill the Pact.”

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hey guys how’d you all feel if i bought tyrenas back???

nobody realised you were gone …


The real question is…

Just how good is Tyrenas?

that’s the spirit

Why do they need to refute anything? Your OG point was

so go ahead and prove that or Tehya has 100% owned you and revealed you to be a lorelet

You are the one making the claim