[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

makes you wonder how villains even exist with this being the universal truth of WoW


Villains may be able to call on Eldritch magic, but they have yet to discover the most powerful energy - Friendship


They couldn’t do this at all. Players go berserk if they perceive that the other faction gets to win more battles than their faction does.

Having a faction be outright defeated and reduced to irregular warfare?

It would go against that ‘faction patriotism’ Blizzard clumsily attempts to foster (patriots stay subbed!)

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I personally very much disagree that this is sound reasoning - Not when it’s presented by a former High Elf leading the former people of Lordaeron towards an Orc veteran of the first wars (which, incidentally, included fighting the High Elves and the people of Lordaeron).

In that context, it’s like saying:“By the way, we’ll betray you someday.”

Though I suppose that’s exactly what she did in the end. So, uh… clever foreshadowing?

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The Forsaken aren’t Alliance any more, though - and that’s a critical distinction to make when we’re talking about a war between the Alliance and Horde.

The people of Lordaeron resolved the grievance of the work camps by joining the Horde and fighting alongside them.


I don’t think that matters to be honest. The grievances and tensions are between people, not between banners. And changing the banner does, or rather, should not resolve the tensions.

If Sylvanas had been right, the people of Lordaeron should never have been able to resolve the grievances the way they did in the first place, because they should have constantly escalated into war. Neither should the High Elves been able to. The Horde should be stuck in a constant civil war…

… wait. I see where I’m going wrong.

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I fundamentally disagree here. Many of the people named in the grievances (as an example, Grommash in the example of NElves having a grievance about the Horde killing Cenarius) are dead, often long-dead. The banners remain.

(there is also the valid point that Sylvanas was intending to persuade rather than being objectively correct)

If Sylvanas had been right, the people of Lordaeron should never have been able to resolve the grievances the way they did in the first place, because they should have constantly escalated into war.

The Forsaken had the choice of either joining the Horde or eventually being wiped out by the Alliance. They tried diplomacy with the latter - it failed.

Similarly, the Horde needed a presence in the Eastern Kingdoms. It began as an alliance of convenience - and even after fifteen years of close allyship, there are still constant tensions between the Forsaken and “regular” Horde.

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Also perhaps worth noting is that it has never taken much to convince Orcs that going to war is the right choice.

The Horde had their presence in the Eastern Kingdoms with the Frostwolves. The driving force behind getting the Forsaken into the Horde were the Tauren (primarily Magatha, iirc) wanting to “heal” the Forsaken.

Did the Frostwolves stay behind? I don’t know the timeline between Thrall leading the Orcs in WC3 and WoW but I could well be wrong there.

Ah, well - ‘a strong presence’ also works. Magatha’s manipulation is a big reason for the Forsaken joining but it’s definitely not the only one.

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I hate the fact they keep dragging her motivations out. Thought 8.2.5 would finally reveal her “grand plan” but it’s once again To Be Continued~

It makes the war as of this point incredibly stupid and unnecessary.


Could you people drop it? I have no idea what Sanara did that you call her that, but it’s become annoying and repetitive.


I feel like if someone wants to RP exactly that and talk about the sexual activity of kids they kinda deserve to keep being called that so my simple answer is:

no i’m not gonna drop it.


It sadly doesn’t make it any less true - Sanara has an ERP alt and some, uh, interesting views on the sexual thoughts of children. Happy to provide logs on demand.


You’re free to criticize on the moral aspect of it and I’ll happily do the same.

Bringing it up for the sake of bringing it up is just… Eh tedious when it’s uncalled for.

Kinda like an overused Meme or line.


I’m sorry but I can’t really agree with the opinion that I shouldn’t call someone who pretends to be remotely proper or genuine out for what they actually are + endorse.

Do it semi-regularly. Not on a daily basis especially if it ends up going off topic for like 200 posts.


We have a 20K post limit, there can always be space…


Wait, are we fascists or are we [a slur for people with developmental disorders], who the former famously hated?

I’m finding it hard to keep up


The word ‘Neo’ is quite prevalent there, isn’t it? Or do you labour under the delusion that your public support for ridiculous racist and fascist fantasies makes you an actual 1940’s German?

You’re free to either concede that you’re way off base here or quote me publicly supporting fascism.

: )