[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

It’s because you guys are hilariously adorable when you get angry over nothing, including threats and accusations of criminal behavior that totally aren’t defamatory because you have logs that say… well, nothing that you actually claim it says, but you pretend it supports what you say, ergo I’m a pederast and you’re definitely not breaking forum rules by spamming it over and over.

How can I not think this is funny? How can I resist poking the dumbest beehive in the world?

I have seen many stories of so-called antifa assaults and have yet to see an undeserving target. Fascists are very good at selective editing or dishonest reporting in order to paint themselves as innocent victims.

If you are a target of antifascist action, you can renounce fascism, cut ties with far right groups and stop showing up to rallies. Antifascist groups won’t be your friend, but they’ll move on.

If you are a group that fascists despise, such as a racial minority or an LGBT person, there is nothing you can do that will satisfy them except stop existing. Either fascists lose or you die.

The idea of anti-fascism is not something you want to oppose, my dude.

There are no deserving targets of fascist violence.

If you are associating with far right groups and attending their rallies, chances are you are not innocent. Like I said, I have not seen an example of ‘innocent person targeted by antifascist counter-protestors’ which did not, when all facts were shown, actually reveal the ‘innocent victim’ to be a member of the fascist group in question and/or intentionally provoked a hostile response.

Most innocent or otherwise sensible people, when realising they march alongside fascists, very quickly leave or join the counter protest.

What I said isn’t controversial. If you are a racial minority, LGBT or left-wing, fascists actively want you dead. They’re usually smart enough not to say that out loud these days but that’s what they fervently believe.

There’s no compromise to be had between ‘i would like to enjoy my life as an equal member of society’ and ‘i would like you to be forcibly removed from society and/or killed’.

TFW someone calls you a fascist

You were in this thread, Sanara. Your posts were right next to mine. Did you forget?


Bros someone help Sanara the poor thing :frowning:


The brave futa anti-fascist movement

E se io muoio da fel futa,
(E se io muoio su la montagna)
o bella futa! bella futa! bella futa futa futa!
E se io muoio da fel futa,
(E se io muoio su la montagna)
tu mi devi seppellir.


I am disappointed that none of our Goblin fellas has been industrious enough to sell popcorn yet.

Also why is this always the first slogan these weird forum talking heads cling to when they get replied to calling them out? Are you one of those teen scarlet banditos or are you just ERPing with one of them?


Popcorn is the worst sweet food going.
You will not change my mind.

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I didn’t, but you seemed to once you decided I had offended your precious feelings for your Waifuchief. I can’t say I buy the “enlightened progressive” angle from someone who will side with the fascists when it suits him.

I won’t even try.

I prefer waffles with a dash of rum.

But popcorn is far more popular, you can’t deny that :<


Found your complaint - that we turned up in black (ie. mourning colours, for the lives lost) because the terrible event that I personally felt deserved a somber response

You’ve spun this into something entirely different to try to smokescreen the various controversies haunting you but that’s OK because as expected you can’t even be bothered to fabricate evidence

Very fel-corrupted and unfortunate to use such a harrowing event as a talking point in a literal forum argument. Feeling a bit of second hand shame atm


I mean the whole “fel futa breeding bull” thing is just used as ad hominem because it’s pretty damn over the top and stupid to RP as, so much so that it has been a forum meme for years.

Why do you get so angry, Sanara?

The Rotgarde actually said this in regards to the horrific event that took place at the club.
It seems they instead stood with their members (and community) against the violent act as any sane person would.


With a dash of rum? I’m intrigued. Tell me more.
And I’d rather have a bag of Skittles tbh.

Weird how you feel that people dislike you because of your dislike for Sylvanas and not because you are a raging nonce.


We need to stop them …


About two regular spoons of rum, put straight into the dough when kneading. It’s pretty neat!

Never put more than three, though - At that point, it starts to sting on the tongue if you’re not used to alcohol.

Uh, no. You offended me because you called me a fascist - when fascists would have me and most of my friends killed if they had the ability to.


Why didn’t you stop them…

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I drink rum heavily.
Spiced rum, white, dark or honey?

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Now you’re just asking too much.

It looks honey-ish. I’d have to check to know for sure.

Edit: It’s called “Pott”, overseas rum 54%.

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