[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Then you should stop hanging around them so much. It doesn’t sound very safe.

Of course, you started attacking me long before any mention of fascism came up, so that’s a strange and somewhat untrustworthy defense.


Can’t believe I try to get help for you and this is how you react, poor showing :frowning:

didn’t know you hate corn so much despite your insistence on shrinking and transforming into a corn on the cob.


Accuses a community of 100s of Rolerplayers of being:

  • N*zis
  • Homophobic
  • Mentally challenged
  • Mass reporting

Someone kicks back, you’re suddenly like “PLEASE MASSREPORT THESE GUYS FOR CALLING ME A N*NCE”


Yes - because you’re a belligerent dullard who is psychologically incapable of arguing in good faith.

It’s just that now you’re an offensive belligerent dullard.


And only because he is called out and jabbed at for a degenerate character concept.

At least Serrida and the hefty meme was able to take it more gracefully


I miss the Wailing Caverns :musk: era.

You literally went out of your way to misread an entire post I made to imagine it being that I was attacking you personally, then used that as the basis from which to attack me “using my own words” - to contradict something I hadn’t said.

And yet I’m belligerent. :ok_hand:

shouldn’t you be in the Alliance LFRP discord organizing false mass-flags because you got called corn? :slight_smile:

weirdchamp. Next you’ll be trying to get people banned from there for not hating Sylvanas as if she’s an IRL mass murderer.


I have no idea what you’re talking about and find it really hard to take seriously allegations of personal attacks from someone who has called me and my friends fascists repeatedly - or allegations of going out of one’s way to misread posts by someone who tried to quote me talking about an interesting story beat to ‘back up’ that allegation.

At this point it’s just a case of waiting until you realise that these forums would be substantially better if you stopped posting in them.

PS: as a handsome man once said:


Yoo guys did you know that if you pay full 12 months of game time via RAF; you only get a reward once a month so it will still take a year to get everythijg from the RAF rewards? (Don’t ask me how I know)

That straight up sucks… I wanted thr damn set playable immediatly! :sob::tired_face:

Old news. You bring us old news!


Ohw, sorry… I didn’t know if it was mentioned somewhere already! D:

You’ve been had, Rootguard scum. :wolf:

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there is/was some was to get the whole set immediately, something about having multiple wowgames/accounts linked to the same account/email, each can generate a link for 4 people, so having 3 accounts = 12, meaning u can get the whole thing instantly.
I recommend you google it though to find the specifik information on how it works if you intent to do it like this


Damn, you got me.

noooo :corn:



yw futa bull :sunglasses:

You made me chuckle, take an upvote.

Nah, I wasn’t planning on paying 120 euros for a set and mount…

And it sounds terrible to have 12 accounts linked to one Bnet! D: But if somebody does really want it right now, I suppose that could be a way to do it :thinking:

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Some people have a lot of disposable income they can merrily throw at corporations, and corporations love when people give them tons of money for little work

if i wasn’t such a raging fascist i’m sure i’d have something to say about the system that allows this