[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

I have to be honest I am one of those people, but I will not ever spend so much money on stuff that should’ve been awarded through some damn hard Acheaology Quest(line), achievements or other things related to that proffesion!

Its a hill I will die on!

RAF rewards are just shop microtransactions with a roundabout way of buying them.


That’s a completely valid point, however

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Isn’t being anti-capitalist one of the defining traits of fascism? Government having control over capital being their preference.

Nothing “micro” about 25€ for a mount. Scummy ActiBlizz.

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Yea, thats the sad thing; corporations and their easy money options.

Sadly its a thing we have to learn to live with :sob::tired_face:

My unsocial side approves of this notion.

The little social spark inside me went into a corner to cry.

state-controlled capitalism is still capitalism sanara, please don’t talk about subjects you clearly know very little about

unveils a guillotine

or do we

(for any sanaras in the room, this is what is known in the business as ‘a joke’)


I’ve found so much about myself thanks to @Sanara, including the fact that I am apparently a n*nce despite admittedly being fifteen IRL. :question: :question: :question:


Ah yes, the entry-level “uh, it was called national SOCIALISM so …” argument

Which episode of InfoWars is your favourite? I like the one about goblins


I think that’s just… incorrect. I mean by that logic, any acquisition of wealth by a minority group is capitalism. Fascism, by definition (Merriam-Webster, I double-checked to be sure) involves total state control, including of the economy - and Italy and Germany certainly didn’t have free market economies in the 30’s and 40’s.

Is feudalism capitalism too?

Nah, names can be whatever people want, just ask the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It’s more that, in actual practice, there wasn’t anything really capitalist about the fascist economies.

Maybe Spain, I actually don’t study much about Francoist Spain.

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Three-fourths of the Italian economy, industrial and agricultural, is in the hands of the state. And if I dare to introduce to Italy state capitalism or state socialism, which is the reverse side of the medal, I will have the necessary subjective and objective conditions to do it.

-Benito Mussolini

but what do fascists know about fascism anyway lmaoooo

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Capitalism vs. socialism is a red herring; the real axis is BOOTLICKER STATIST vs. freedom-loving basedguy.

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Fascism loves capitalism - it creates hierarchies, allows for divisions by class, and concentrates capital in the hands of a few. All it needs to do from there is make sure that the government is that ‘few’.

Read a bit further than dictionary definitions, or alternatively


Give me absolute monarchy so we don’t have to have political discussions anymore ever.

“Fascism loves capitalism when you remove the core element that makes it capitalism” :ok_hand:

Private ownership is not capitalism.

can’t believe you think it’s acceptable to display fascist symbols on this forum


what is WRONG with you…

God, you guys are easy.

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Wow, that’s a lot of new posts! New PTR stuff? New datamining?

Opens thread

Oh. Of course.