[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

shoves dodger in a locker

shut up, nerd


only if I am my own dog

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doxed you

Nobody on the internet knows you’re a dog


i highly agree with this take

Draenei posters never change

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What a wild ride that was.

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The takeaway lesson from all of this is that I am very handsome and you should buy me Mountain Dew

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God I’m hungry…

I just had a rack of ribs from M&S. £6 and allegedly serve two people - I think not.

M&S Cauliflower popcorn stuff is real good. Hearty recommend.

The idea of ribs being takeaway food feels odd to me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any restaurant offer that option here.

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M&S is a shop. I don’t trust ribs from a takeout place. They’re premade and you cook them in the oven/add sauce.

Ah, that’s fair enough. Were they any good?

Not as nice as if I’d got them out at a restaurent, but a tasty dinner. M&S food tends to be nice - I saw pulled pork and slow cooked gammon there, which I’m tempted by.

Sometimes you just want nice food with zero effort etc.

Look at this guy showing off shopping at M&S.


I finished the season 2 of the Chef Show so now I don’t have any cooking shows left to watch. I’m planning to cook something special for mom’s birthday on the 31st, but I’m drawing blank on ideas.

got the bourgie in this chat I see

was booths closed, dodger???

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Blimey, one meal from M&S would mean i couldn’t afford to eat the rest of the week.


Don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t drive. Funnel my money into character art and nice food. :muscle: