[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

He’s the villain I love to hate.

Well it seems you and Telaryn succeeded! D:<

I still think, this particulair issue is kinda… more complicated then that…

But lets go with that; then why the freck is there a whole “grey quarter” of his city where they’re allowed to do what ever the freck the Dark Elves want" or the Docks? Where the Argonians basicly run the show, with only less then an handfull of Guards trying to control them? D:


Now I feel like a moron trying to defend him against Cro! D:<

(SORRY CRO! D: I was just an unedicated noob! ;-; )
( I see you typing, please stop ruining me, Telaryn ;-; )

Another reason why Mede did nothing wrong:

While it’s true that Hammerfell had to fight against the Dominion alone after they seceded from the Empire, Mede also dismissed Redguards from the Imperial Legions and told them to go defend their home.

He sent a huge part of the Imperial Legion to defend Hammerfell from the Dominion but since they weren’t technically legionnaires anymore, he wasn’t breaking the treaty.

Those legions turned the tide and ensured Hammerfell’s independence.


Well if you need a place to talk about lore you can just, you know, make a thread for that explicit purpose lol


Not really, that gets you banned.

Derailing threads is also against rules iirc.

Forum mods can eat my :peach: bunch of kneelers

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Listen I keep getting the warning to stop spreading the love, And while I was always taught that Mede sucked… He doesn’t suck as much as I though he would! Seems my beloved, lovely Nord, are mostly in the wrong in Skyrim! D:<

Anyways I am off to bed for now; stop twisting my view of TES-lore upside down any further! thanks! :smiley:

Sorry, you want me to point out that everyone and everything in the Alliance is there because the High-Kings HolyBones told them they’re good? Because damn… It appears the Light allows literally everyone (Fel-corrupted beings like Orcs, Blood Elves, or Void Corrupted beings like Void Elves) to be around in the Alliance… Which basicly makes HolyBones the most generic “everyone is good until they’re not”-good guy since forever in every damn story i’ve read up until now :S

Man I just don’t like derailing, that’s all. I have no idea what you’re saying or how this is related to anything that I’ve said.

Apology accepted!

This ain’t my first rodeo with Stormcloaks-are-idiots-and-here’s-why

If you don’t like derailing; why the freck are you even in this thread after a month(or so) without new info? Atleast our discussion about TES will make sure it won’t be locked for another year or two!

Yea seems like it; but the Telaryn and Croecel team-up was and will be overkill for anyone new to TES lore ;-; I stood literally zero change while I am certain I can stand my ground in a Warcraft-discussion… Atleaat thats what I like to think to bot feel entirely unmanned! D:<

(Also sorry for the spelling mistakes; I switched to the little internet xD)

You’re the worst elf on the forum.

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So does an Imperial victory, considering that the Empire has completely bent over before the Dominion AND Titus Mede II was assassinated with no heirs, meaning the Empire is completely distabilized and with a feuding Elder Council won’t likely be able to withstand another war…

Skyrim is likely better off on its own. Hammerfell were able to fight the Dominion to a stand still, so why wouldn’t Skyrim be?

You say that, but Ulfric is the only Jarl in Skyrim to take in the Dunmer en masse and even dedicated an entire district of his capital to their housing…

That’s even ignoring the fact that an independant Skyrim could technically ally with the Empire to combat the Thalmor threat together.

Also, Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak is the true High King of Skyrim, he bested Torygg in a duel, but half of the Jarls are in open rebellion against their High King because they disagree, but nothing is stopping those Jarls from demanding a duel, since Ulfric can’t deny them that.

Not only that, we have Jarl Balgruuf’s explicit admittance that he and the other Imperial alligned jarls received large coffers of gold to “reward” their allegiance…

The Imperials have dental AND medical.

What do the Stormcloaks have for benefits? An ale voucher every Friday?

New in re 8.3 discussion.

Corruption is not intended to be a permanent replacement for WF/TF, only for 8.3 till 9.0. Here’s hoping they don’t go back to it.

And Wrathions cloak DOES counter effects of corruption. Upgrading it increases this effect. Aka, you can bypass much of the nastiness later stages bring by upgrading the cloak (so horrific visions are a must).

So I’d say that blows the “so unappealing none will bother” angle out, as it looks like you’ll be able to engineer it so you only have to deal with maybe the first two corruption affixes despite loading up in the gear. So yes, chasing corruption is a valid strategy, and for meta, a “must” (10% movement speed reduction which can be dispelled and move out of void pool once a minute are hardly big enough drawbacks to squander the bonuses gained).

“Corruption” probably won’t stay after 9.0, it seems like 100% gimmick. Titanforging/Warfroging has been nice for me playing casually but it’s not exactly something I’ll miss if they get rid of it - which they should.

Less RNG, more ability to work towards our rewards. Bring back Justice/Valor Points or something to help casual players gradually get gear, I always thought that worked as a less effective alternative to raiding for those who just didn’t like doing it.

The old Valor Points for upgrading your pieces was better.


Tbh I really miss catas reforging where you could swap secondaries around. It felt like something that rewarded choices, and because it didn’t totally remove the changed stat, it still rewarded people who aimed for bis, just mitigated the effects of those who didn’t.

I’d like to see it return, where you spend “insert currency earned through activity”. Or if not reforging, adding a certain secondary stat to gear pieces which upgrades it one level. Say you can upgrade each piece twice, giving it two boosts of secondaries.

A mechanic I’d put in is every time you boost X secondary, the cost of that secondary goes up in future across all gear (based upon how many boosts in that stat you currently have active on your gear). This would make it more efficient to gear for your best stat, and “boost” various stats, rather than just boost the same secondary across all gear.

More importantly, it gives choice. The gear doesn’t just “get better”, you decide how it improves. And when simming etc you can use it to balance your stats appropriately.

You could add further bonuses based upon choices to encourage more different boosting. So with a full set of gear you have 14 slots (weapons would be excluded) aka 28 boost slots. Something like this (using crit as an example)

4 slots dedicated to crit - passive bonus of 2% increases crit potency.

9 slots dedicated to crit - passive bonus of 5% increased critical potency.

20 slots dedicated to crit - passive bonus of 12% increases critical potency.

And so on, so you can either aim for a “big bonus” in one stat, or several medium bonuses acriss multiple stats. These bonuses are just an example, you could have them be more interesting to present some genuine conflicts and encourage mixing, but they’d need to be viable for all roles/classes.