[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

They get to indiscriminately kill Thalmor.

Upgrading pieces, getting new armor, doesn’t matter really as long as it fulfills two criteria, for me:

  1. It’s obtainable without raiding. Dungeons, dailies, whatever. Maybe harder dungeons (Mythics, Mythic+) gives more of whatever the resource is, allowing a system where reward scales to the effort you put in, without a hard barrier like having to commit to a raid group or even a dedicated dungeon group.

  2. It provides gear that is not on par with basic raiding gear, but close enough to feel worthwhile and allowing a player with a good set of non-raiding gear to get into raiding without having to be carried like a big useless burden.

Like, that’s all casual players want. The way that, especially since late MoP, free epics just fall from the heavens, is as far as I know not something anybody ever really asked for, and yet it’s only become more egregious every expansion since.

@Loaken The closest I came to serious raiding was in Wrath, so a lot of the details on BiS and how some specific secondary stats stack is not really my wheelhouse, so I’ll just trust your judgement!

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So you want gear without any kind of effort involved whatsoever? Dont think I agree with that.

If you dont to any content, what do you need gear for?

That’s… a strange interpretation of what I wrote, so no.

This is content.

… Yes, it is. People who do content other than raids or dedicated Mythic Dungeoneering should be able to obtain gear that allows them to keep pace only just behind people doing them, so that casual players can make the transition if they feel like it without being a complete burden to any group they join.

In case you still don’t see it, there’s a period between the words ‘raiding’ and the next sentence. Gear should be obtainable without raiding. The resource, whatever it is, should be obtainable from dungeons, dailies, etc.

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Ooooh, I read it again and noticed the dot this time! My mistake. :laughing:

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I figured that might’ve seemed like an odd thing for me to say! Obviously if people aren’t doing any content, then they don’t need gear at all, save for the all-important transmogs when the Trial of Style rolls around.

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imperial scum

You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos. Now the Empire is going to put you down!


Empire needs to be put down like the disabled mongrel it is

What is the Empire but a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek and rats roll on the floor with the dogs.

The victory at Red Road does not belong to you, Titus Elf-Slave.

You are a lesser son of greater sires


Ulfric won the duel, fair and square.

The empire also tried to execute the dragonborn simply for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

In fact most/all of the encounters you have with the empire in Skyrim are with them being oppressive toward the local populace, corrupting, or ignorant of the problems.

Ulfric’s not perfect but he’s fighting for the right reasons. (Unlike Empire which only goal is to repel the dominion threat and then MAYBE allow Skyrim and its people to live free of its influence (lolno).)

The Empire doesn’t even want to repel the Dominion, they want to reabsorb them back in the empire.

Why stop at oppressing the races of men when they can also subjugate and opress the races of mer? The poor and distute?


Imperial loyalists = People who probably also side with Tau in Warhammer 40k

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Joke’s on you, I’m a Salamanders fanboy.

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Dragonborn was about to be executed by an Imperial of questionable morals. Hadvar is a geniuely good man and is very sorry for his officers decision


Casual reminder that the Dragonborn has more legitimacy as Emperor than the Mede dynasty


Meanwhile I’m here wishing there was an option to side with the Thalmor and relishing the final breaking of Human Potential™ in Tamriel for all time.

I don’t know a huge amount about Elder Scrolls lore, but by golly does this discussion really tickle my fancy.