[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

I enjoyed her story for the most part but rn I feel like they are shoving her down everyones throats

Arthas had an army behind him… Necromancers… Even he said he struggled to march forth to Quel’thalas.

Sylvanas brings down Ebon Blade in a day (I suppose.) And please don’t make it a gendered complaint… it isn’t.

Yeah? And Sylvanas has 3 major Val’kyr and some unknown super magic, not to mention the Loyalist Champion.

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Pathethic numbers against the might of an army.

Also known as Plot Armor.

No idea about this one. But I guess even that will be dismissed should it be adressed in a book.

muh Val’kyr
muh unknown super magic

I guess Sylvanas will just be as strong as the plot demands. Not even an Old God can stop her.

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Maybe she’ll raise Saurfang from the dead as one of her new champions? :sunglasses:

She only has 2 Val’kyr left, Kyra and Signe. The last third one got drained to empower Nathanos.

Since it took 3 Val’kyr to cheat death, she’s on her last life now.

Hears Super Mario 1up running out.

idk king the wowpedia page says there’s 2 named ones left and 1 unnamed one
other than that bit grossed at this blatant sexism :confused:

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The unnamed one is the one who got destroyed to empower Nathanos.

Again, stop making it about gender. Nobody here is annoyed at the story because she’s a female but a Mary sue.


Well considering reason has been thrown off the table anyway, I guess next time we see her she will have 4 Val’kyr and even more unknown super magic.

Who could possibly stop this madwoman?!

I hope you realise Tehya’s messing with you man


Only a weapon made from Plotonium can pierce plot armor.

Consult the past.

Pretty sure you’ll see there’s plenty of criticism thrown around about them as well.


stop it tehya desist begone reeeee

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Tehya is messing with everyone! HE’S SYLVANAS STAPH HIM!

Anduin is a Gary Stu! They’re a perfect match to! I bet Nathanos can’t even get it up anymore! D:<

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It wasn’t destroyed.

never heard any of them called that typical misogynst term ‘mary sue’ or its male variant though.

Nice try.
Still were criticized and plenty disliked in some aspects.