[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha

Honestly at first I was planning on making a Troll Shaman… Now I am leaning more towards Tauren again! Suppose I shall have to await until both of them are fully ingame before I can really make a decision! :smiley:


I am liking this seeming alternative to loading screens in Shadowlands for going to each zone from Oribos.


This may be a sign that worgen will be able to customise their forms independently! Let this be true!

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A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

they said they will add a vendor where you can buy stuff with the usual token like they did to wod and legion

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I love the basic Legion artifact bear, braids and all.

and now you can use it regardless of spec!

I’m going leafcat and stonebear on my main druid.

I’m so excited for it.

My barely played, attention starved druid will be very happy indeed.

Druid is one of my 3 main classes (and I have multiple)

I’m even happy that we get to pick our form colour outside of the artifact appearence. means i can pick a better pelt colour for my HM tauren without losing the white fur on her forms.

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The Return of the Ashbringer!!!


All hail Alexandros Mograine!

hurr how are players going to know he’s the ashbringer unless he has the sword hurrrrrrr

stop treating us like idiots blizzard

I would’ve loved if he had a very badass new Runeblade in the shape of the Ashbringer instead.

Or did the Player Paladin and the Order of the Silver Hand know about the Uber Baron Mograine when they crafted the new Ashbringer in Legionto send it to him in Shadowlands hmmm?

I think it’s just something similar to Ashbringer/a sword manifested like that. After all, who says you can’t make a ‘replica’ of it.

But then, Alexandros Morgraine is one of my favorites Characters in whole wow. I hope they do him justice.

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I wonder if we’ll meet Renault Mograine in the Maw.

New animations. Unsure how wowhead and mmochampion has missed this, but someone is posting them on reddit.

New Obliterate animation to account for 2H frost:




For some odd reason it applies when you dual wield too, which I hope is a bug because the current animation works better for that:


And also a new animation for a fury warrior ability called ‘Onslaught’, dwarf warriors make a little jump in this animation but I am told other warriors do not:


(Although isn’t that the old pre-legion stormstrike animation? Might not be new, just returning).

I’ve been wondering for a while what this animations is going to be used for. It’s tagged as CombatAbility2HBig02 but had no clue which abilities it’s connected to. 01 was what all the other “big” melee abilities used since Legion, but I like the wind up in this new one more. I hope it’s used for Colossus Smash for arms warriors.

Yep, old Stormstrike animation.

I know he has an appearance when we first meet Alexandros. Alexandros promises Darion that they will have a moment to talk. Death knight feels UUURG.

The class animations in the log in screen give me hope that the actual lock stance is making it in, rather than sharing the mage one.
I hope you can see hunters’ in their ready stance too.

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My only peeve is that so far it seems frost will get Death and Decay and remorseless winter in Shadowlands, which seems unnecessary. The abilities overlap too much (and I use the same bind for both…)