(spoilers) Uther

So, we have some info on the kyrian covenant campaign.

I mostly skimmed it for now, but it seems Uther’s soul was badly damaged by his death by Arthas’ hand, and connected to the Maw. He also remembered almost nothing about his live, and was very easily manipulated by the bad Kyrians. Once he realizes that he has been used by bad people for bad things, he surrenders himself and begs for forgiveness.

Can’t say the fallen role model idea is particularly appealing to me, and I don’t think I ever wanted to help the frickin’ Lightbringer in redeeming himself, since I’m obviously a much better person… But to be honest, I don’t much care.

I am a bit surprised, though, that the Kyrians were the unambiguous good guys in this conflict, and that Blizzard actually is okay with keeping the cult people as paragons. Though I guess the campaign has only started with 9.0.

They did add stuff like this tho:

Kyrestia the Firstborne: Long have we believed that our mortal lives are burdens to be shed in the name of service. And yet, the deeds of mortals are what won the day.
Kyrestia the Firstborne: You have my gratitude. Once the Jailer lies defeated… there may be much more for the Kyrian to discuss.

So it does seem as if they acknowledge at least a few of their flaws.

That said, and regarding the rest, i feel that Blizzard dumping Helya in there seemed rather random.

And i can’t help but feel, much like the author of said article pointed out, that Uther’s ties with the Maw might be heralding some Arthas appearence…
Do not like that.


Which is another way of saying that inability to change in the face of new evidence actually is no flaw of theirs.

Kyrians go get dabbed on. We should have gotten a light afterlife, not this le epiccc cosmic stuff nonsense.


Wasn’t there some sort of connection between kyrians and new val’kyr? Then it would make sense for Helia to be there, since she could need those kyrian rebels so to say.

And it also raises the question, once again, about the future of val’kyrs. (add some wishful thinking about all the elements that exist in the story and could be used to sever the pact between Sylvanas and val’kyr to actually pay off, rather than to be ignored)

On the other hand, maybe shadowlands is exactly what was needed for the game to be better. With possibilities to new stories and new characters blizz would not be limited by how older characters and plot lines were presented. And fans of existing characters / stories might sleep better if blizz would stop adding “we’ll explain later” actions to already established plot elements.


Helya was Odins first Val’kyr and he crafted them after the kyrians’ image so that’s propably the connection.

So Uther says a few things following the end of the Kyrian storyline that I think are important as they may explain his motivations somewhat and reveal something that may well be important down the line.

Uther: My training as an Aspirant was difficult. I remembered nothing of my life.
Uther: Every time I close my eyes, I see my death. I see… him… standing before me, that cursed blade in hand…
Uther: Devos convinced me that my death was wrong. She promised me justice.
Uther: What we did to him was not justice. It was vengeance.
Uther: Lysonia was no different. I did not know that they wielded the same darkness…

Uther is not the same person as he was in life as he has forgotten that life mostly. The only thing he still remembers is his death at Arthas’ hands, most likely due to his soul being affected by Frostmourne’s Maw energies. His only real mistake is following those who were supposed to be helping him.

What really interests me are the hints about Arthas. What did Uther do to him? And what could be worse than suffering in the Maw? Arthas WAS in the Maw, right? Questions and theories for a different topic methinks, but it might hint towards the direction for the Kyrian campaign in future patches…


That would be a funny turn of events if after turning his back on Arthas despite the order he had, Uther would once again fail Arthas in the “afterlife” :rofl:

That’s actually what I hate most about it. Bait us with a character we know and like, and then tell us that it actually wasn’t the guy we thought it was. I don’t care about that guy that was the Foresworn’s dupe, don’t try to convince me I do by giving him a name that plays on my nostalgia.

I’m reminded of the Luke Skywalker situation, and I didn’t appreciate it much then, either.


I like this development for Uther. His belief was turned against him, and he thought he was fighting for a good cause. But we also see that while he now disagrees with what the Forsworn were doing, he still does not agree with what the kyrian are doing. Hopefully he becomes the symbol of change the Kyrian can rally behind. He just needed a wake up call.

Is this another retcon? Because as far as I know, Uther was in his tomb in Legion, when Lord Maxwell and the Highlord came to ask for his help. So how come he suddenly remembers nothing after his death?

Anyway, this is why they shouldn’t bring back dead characters. They almost always screw them over.


Probably. Or they’re going with the literally “shattered” soul, and will reunite him with other fractions of his soul. Varian style.

Well, they screw any character they use over, so I fail to see the difference.

It is. When we speak to Uther’s ghost during the Paladin Order Hall Campaign, he doesn’t seem to suffer from memory loss at all. He literally greets Maxwell with “my old friend”.


World of Retconcraft.

yeah what else is new :roll_eyes:

Oh oh, wait, I got it! Retconlands, how’s that? :laughing:

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Precisely why I hope they use as little old characters in Shadowlands as possible.

Aye, same. This feels like WoD 2.0, just not in AU and with recycled WC3 characters instead of WC2 ones.

I’m not going to lie, this is quite disappointing.

By the way, does anyone else feel like we’re kinda running low on paladin fantasy material these days? Uther was dead and now we learn he (arguably) sorta went baddie. Tyrion got melted by a fel beam and we failed to save him in the Ashbringer quest. Turalyon is developing a very relaxed approach to the Three Virtues. Liadrin screams at me about how darkness cannot abide within the Light while she fights for a genocidal maniac who turns people into zombies.

Where my knights in shining at? No, Human Paladin forum posters don’t count.

Yeah, I whined about it a bit in the Shadows Rising thread about the Light. I couldn’t point to a single fleshed out livig Light character that feels like the “rightful good” paladin archetype. My best hope would be C-D tier characters like Dezco, Wyrmbane or Grayson Shadowbreaker, whose name I had to look up to remember.