Anyone playing above 2000+mmr feel like “dh is overpowered” ?
Did 5 SS today, a Demo zookeeper dictated the whole game,
Then had a game with Devo + MM ( Yep the MM topped the DPS meter, even in games where I as dh and Warrior or devo on him ) (yes cc included)
Yes I agree people are just better at that MMR but oh boy, as a DH I am either main focus on insane DPS of types 100 to 0 in sec(yes I do use pre defensive so I am not dying there) or CCed for the time I can go get myself a proper dinner + cook my breakfast and brew a coffee.
Then a round with Fire mage + MM ( yeah MMs are literally in every game now)
Where in this case my part was Retri hiding behind the pillar because they actually do wayyyy more then him its like wtf is this world.
And basically saw 1 warrior for 5 different SS, everyone telling me how melees are OP but dunno why above 2k its mainly casters, most of the hunters I faced literally stood in the middle when 1 DPS is on him cuz why move when by pressing 1-2 he is doing more why bother moving and slowing his dps…
The game is even more of a joke at a little higher mmr from my perspective.
At this stage I don’t see a reason why bother with all that, Most ranged even playing pure dps with a poly here or there (excluding warlocks)
The ques are faster however which is a big + since I don’t have to wait for 20-25m for a pop.
A little all over the place topic but.
What I think at higher mmr people actually know what to do vs DH and you overall stay in CC.
The damage is absurd on MM/DEMO