Starter account banned No help from customer support

Hello, About a month ago, i made a starter account in NA servers because i wanted to see NA forums and post on NA forums. Apparently, you need a level 10 character to post on the forums so i created a monk and leveled up him to 10, at the new starter zone that they made back in BFA. It took me like 15 mins. I did all the quest, killed the dragon dungeon boss at the end of the quests and i logged off and never logged back in. Few days ago i learned about that they banned that starter account for hacking 2 days after i created the account.

So i contacted with support that i didn’t use any hack for a starter account that is in my actual main but they said the ban is just and they closed the ticket.

My main account is fine, no warning, penalty or anything so there is no problem but i don’t wanna see a banned starter account in my so i asked them to delete the account or unban it so i can delete it.

Why would i hack on a level 10 starter account from NA while im playing from EU ? If i was trying some hacks, that would mean that i acknowledge the consequences and that’s why i used a starter account since its unimportant but that’s not the case i really want to know how i hacked.

It actually pissed me off because they accused me for hacking. They can check my logs and tell me how can a level 10 character hack in a starter zone. If i used any cheats why don’t u ban my main account as well ? I haven’t received any penalty for anything for 10 years i’ve been playing this game and they ban my starter account that i only played for 10 mins for cheating.

Like you can’t trade, you can’t level, you can’t do anything with a starter account i don’t know how is it possible to cheat. They can obviously see my logs all i did was questing in the starter zone and as soon as i was 10 i logged off and never logged backed in. I even just found out that they banned the account after 1 month passed.

What can i do from here now ? Im not getting any results from tickets. They closed my tickets, i have opened new one and they haven’t been answered 4 days now.

Ban discussions aren’t allowed on the forums.

You cannot interact with a banned account, nor make requests about it. It’s part of the penalty.


Generally unless extremely egregious only the WoW license is penalised for actions taken during.

You may have to accept the penalty if not overturned.

That appears to be incorrect, you said you received this result in your opening paragraph:

Generally it may take up to a week for a ban appeal since at the same time they also investigate whether if an overturn is possible or not.

If you keep creating tickets though, they may also close off your ability to create tickets. They are not required to unban you in appeals, it’s just merely a 2nd look whether if something went wrong or not; not a discussion of sorts.

The forum isn’t the appropriate place to appeal an account suspension. For more information, please visit the pages Appealing a Silence, Suspension, or Ban and Forum Code of Conduct.