STOOPZZ Looking for Group video / SOLOQUEUE (SPREAD THE WORD)!

Ive played wow since i was 11 years old. im 27 now. Obviously LFG system we have now hasnt been here for that long. But it has been around for TOO long. Please watch his video.

I have an idea that id like others thoughts on. Since PvP and competetive gameplay in everygame is min maxing every advantage possible. for a fair fight to complement this system.
In every competetive enviorment there should be an as equal opertunity to win. This is hinderend by ilvl which is a huge part of the game. so it has to be thought about carefully how to do this in the best way.

While in arena only
In a competetive enviroment it should be about skill and players abilities more than gear. ofcourse gear is a part of it.
you raiting such as. combatant, challanger, rival, duelist, elite the gear is scaled accordingly.
examples. Im 1600- i have 213 gear on everything. if i drop down to 1550 and face other 1550 ppl. my gear slightly gets scaled down to 207 on so you have equal oppertunities. sort of like in timewalking dungeons.

This helps against boosting aswell. It is very hard for a player at 1400 while learning the game to play against elite geared players with more experience, skill and also 10k more hp and damage.
Obviously these new players probobly lose anyway but atleast its because of skill.



I dont think answer is scaling. But old fashioned conquest. Mop/wod gear system. Dont need to invent crazy stuff when the sollution is so simple.

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we just need soloq, thats all im hoping for atm.

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