Stopmacro conditional with spell cd

Is it possible to set conditional on /Stopmacro command based on a timer, for example startTime, duration, enable = GetItemCooldown(itemID) ?

I use a one button healthstone macro

#showtooltip Major Healthstone
/cast Create Healthstone (Major)
/use Major Healthstone

and I’d like to add a small check so you won’t start creating a new healthstone if you spam the macro more than 1 time to use your conjured one.
I think that it’s not possible tho, any other way to achieve the same result??

Not possible.

This would be your best option:

/use [mod] Create Healthstone (Major); Major Healthstone

So if you hit it with a modifier (ctrl/alt/shift) it’ll create, otherwise it’ll consume. Alternatively you could set it up so right click creates, left consumes by changing [mod] to [btn:2]

Yeah I was expecting it wouldn’t be allowed by Blizzard to avoid smart casting macros.
I already am aware of key modifiers, but I really prefer to have my stones in one button, I guess I’ll have to deal with the cast if I spam the button while not moving! :slight_smile:
Thank you very much for your suggestion!

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