Store Mount Tyrael's charger

Ill play frost DK if you adopt me uwu

Actually no, I am giving a different opinion as someone else who has bought the CE’s.
You said it would be ‘insulting to people who paid full whack for the CE to have those who did not do so rub it in because they get the same thing for a rock bottom price in the in game store’ Is that your main issue ? That people would be able to purchase something we and others bought for a cheaper price ?

You feel it is insulting to you, you can only speak for yourself, I do not feel the same way, my opinion does not invalidate yours just as your would not invalidate mine.

Also to stay on topic of having Tyrael’s Charger in the store, I do think due to the way it was included with the orignal promotion there may be some legality paperwork involved.

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I know this wont be a popular opinion but its mine about this issue:

I have no problem with the mount being avaiable on the shop, as long as it cost 200 euros or more.

Absurd? Not really, in my humble opinion.
Why i think this way?

There are few things in WoW that are “exclusive” or “prestigious”, basically almost everything is avaiable to everyone and thats a good thing.
But its also a good thing that a few exceptions exist.

That is why i believe that its good that this mount should remain “rare”.


And I am afraid to inform you I can’t see your gnome due to your staff taking up the screen. :joy::ok_hand:

And ? It’s not like if they were to sell the CE other people would get it for free, they would pay the same amount as you did.

Considering it was a simple promotion for the annual pass… No, it should at max cost 60-80 due to only needing to buy 12 months of sub due to a special offer at the time.

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It should cost the same as the annual pass did, if it becomes available in the store, which I don’t think it should. So £108.

Still way less than the insane 200 euros.

If Blizzard added previous promotional items to the store, then nobody would use them.

Look at the Challenge Mode armor sets - readded in Legion as a recolour from your Class Hall, everybody has them but nobody transmogs them.

Amani War Bear - readded in Cataclysm’s Zul’Aman remake, everybody has it but nobody uses it.

People only want these things because they are rare. When they are no longer rare, they are no longer wanted. It’s the basic human nature for less-matured minds to desire what they can’t have, even if they cannot explain why.

Or as somebody wiser than all of us once said…
“You don’t want it. You think you do, but you don’t”.

this game needs more rare and timelimited rewards

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The game actually has plenty, but they often make it back into the game somehow and can be earnt via trivial means. Even if it’s just a recolour.

If Tommy and Billy can’t have the same toys as the other kids, they’ll be terribly upset. And we can’t have that.

shrugs sure whatever you say as for being in topic not to nit pick but the way you replied did come ad sharp to me. Moving on.

Or maybe put annual pass back on sale and slab the mount as extra on it, like it was.

That would be to charge the price of the 12 months and the mount just for the mount. It would be a rip off. Blizzard would be accused of being greedy and rightly so.
The deluxe items and the boat mount don’t include the price for the items they were originally bought with. The charger can be put in the higher end cost for mounts, but people shouldn’t be charge for a product they are not buying, i.e. the subscription.

I would love for them to put that one in the store too :slight_smile:


I personally love vehicle like mounts. i love the meatwagon, just bought dreadwake as well with gold. Im a bit conflicted tho. im happy i got a chance to buy this trough gold without doing the Original action it came with ( it came with 6 months subscription right? i dont like to pay that far ahead in case i dont play that long). But at the same time i feel like limited time mounts should stay limited as a reward for people who actually got it back when it was avaible. Stuff like the core hound and tyreals charger or the zebra mount staying unique mounts you only see a select few with.

I wouldnt complain about seeing those horde and Alliance airship mounts return to the store tho. i really regret not getting those . While i love vehicles as mounts, they mostly seem to be bound to preordering expansions or buying very long subs. it would love to see some actual ingame chariot or carriage mounts ( or a carriage pulled by dogs for my dwarf(thanks dragon age)).

Or the old shredder model instead of the sky golem would be sweet as well

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I do love how it’s become a store mount around the time the 6 month’s Sub that people paid for it will be running out. Blizzard’s timing is always amazing.

Well you literally wrote

There are 2 CE on the shop so I guess that’s misleading for you then for anyone who bought those 2?

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I am.


Oh that’s funny your link does not work. :rofl::rofl:

Have you tried removing the space between the i and the .? Might be a way to start getting it to work

Don’t patronize someone perhaps link it properly next time. Rude Not going to bother to look given your attitude. Conversation with you is now over. Bye