Story Forum Offtopic Lounge pt. 2

[quote]Amani in the Horde would be cool. They could rebuild the ruined wing of Silvermoon, to symbolize the two core races of the horde finally uniting as friends.

Ahahah you are funny, but actually I would like to see a revamped Zul’Aman if it came alongside an updated Silvermoon and Quel’thalas as well. :slight_smile:

Actually they said Blood Elves will have a lot of costumization for the model (40 + new features) so that could probably include not just blue eyes but quite a few other colours (possibly red and silver would be good, but there are a lot of others in lore)

Also they said Blood Elves will be able to get a proper dark skin, which I have mixed feeling about considering that I don’t think in lore it was ever mentioned High/Blood Elves had dark skin, only pale, but it’s possible Blizzard changed idea and now we can be properly tanned just like Humans:

Not really. Part of en expeditionary force sent(!) to find out what apened to the last expedition to that island. Still sounds very based on your faction’s hierarchy.

I fully expect them to make Liadrin retroactively black.

Hey! I’m not sayin I’d like it!
It’s just a possibility of the new custom options :man_shrugging:

Id personally welcome the ogres first!!

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If we ever get black ogres… will Blizz dare to make them talk like they always did? :thinking:

All troll players would welcome Amani and return of great Zul’Jin!

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Zul’jin is dead and won’t be redeemd. If you want Forest Trolls playable go look at the Revantusk instead. Those never betrayed the Horde.

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Zul’Jin is the man of his people. Unlike one mage I know that turned out to be Burning Legion sellout and wanted to bone Jaina.

Put bluntly the Amani joining the Horde would be the last straw for me. I can’t reconcile Blood Elves still being part of a faction that has those things in it.

I still don’t get why the Sand Trolls are joining after what we did to Zul’farak.

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Zul’jin did all he did without outsourced corruption or mindcontrol. Kael fell to his addiction and lost his mind. The Arbiter seems to think there is a chance for him to do better. Otherwise he wouldn’t be with the Vampires.

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Zul’Jin didn’t do half as much damage as K’T did. All Zul’Jin did in TBC was to say mean words at Horde allying with his mortal enemies.

Zul’Jin is a hero that was done in very nasty way.


The uppity troll could have stayed in his dilapidated ruins and cared for his tribe.

But nah, had to pick a fight with a superior enemy.


Did they say in what part of the Shadowlands Zul’jin is actually? And Garithos?

Or are these guys not even important enough to appear in the afterlife at all? :stuck_out_tongue:

because if Kael is looking for revenge against an old enemy there, it’s either Garithos or Zul’jin since Arthas and Ner’zhul are pretty much confirmed to be in the Maw (or possibly not even existing anymore in the Shadowlands either).

Although Zul’jin had more beef with King Anasterian and Sylvanas actually, considering Kael was in Dalaran for the majority of the time before the Third War… I can’t think of any other hated enemy for Kael to get revenge on

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The 5 afterlives we see are just a few of an infinite number. Anywone who doesn’t appear where we can see them probably went to some other place.

Apart from that… who is betting that Zul’jin will be a dungeon boss in the Bwonsamdi realm dungeon? :wink:


Zul Aman was merely a setback!

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I’ve realized another thing, with this nonsense of War Mode in the Shadowlands (despite the fact we aren’t at war anymore to have a “war” mode), we will have players from the same Covenant killing each other because they are from different factions. With no repercussions at all.


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I liked Zuljin back when he was a loyal ally to Doomhammer. And I like his character.

But I’m not a fan of the classist remarks the Amani have regarding the Darkspear and Voljin in particular.
Shadows of the Horde made me dislike much of their characterisation.
Even Khal’ak showed him the respect he deserved.

I feel like the current characterisation their tribe has, has turned them unviable for the Horde. And it’s sad.

That said, I’m not strongly for or against them.
And I’ve repeatedly said, that in the Blood elf vs Amani conflict, I understand both postures (understand =/= Agree btw).

To be fair, they did very little. We just barged in, took their stuff, and killed them all literally for the loot. I mean, that was like the canon and literal reason for us to go in there.
Can’t blame them getting pissed.

Regarding their potential introduction as playable through troll customisations, I’d say that’s natural if we assume the remnants of their tribe would follow Talanji and the Zandalari.

True. Most TBC characters had this weird treatment.
Legion was Blizzards way to “fix” Illidan, and I suspect something similar will happen with Kael in Shadowlands.
Hope we see Zuljin in Bwonsamdis area/dungeon of the Other Side.

I suspect a good part of the vampire campaign will be helping Kael atone and grow as a person, to send him off to a different afterlife in the end. Blizz did say that Vampireland was meant wo be a temporary experience until you actually fir somewhere else…

So… I’m not choosing vampires with my main, that’s for sure… Though they’ll probably also have gumuliating questlines for Uther, The buff Owlman, or something…

I’ll be cautious about my choice at first. It all depends on whether the forest bit is full on Night elves or remains somewhat more neutral (as it should).
My Forsaken will go Necrolords all the way, but my Worgen will probably go vampires, as theirs is the theme that fits more thematically speaking.

To be fair, I’m genuinely having a hard time conciling most of the existing races with any of the themes/motives most of said kingdoms have. Having Draka hanging out with the zombies still sounds weird (wouldn’t it make more sense to have some dead Forsaken/Death Knight championing their cause?).

On Kaelthas…well. We will see.
I’m not really pumped about it either way because I doubt Blizzard allows us to drag back to life any of these champions. So that reduces their role in the story, to this expansion alone.
But who knows, I thought the same for most WoD characters.

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Wasn’t that because their warlord wanted to retake Tanaris and they had Sul’thraze the Lasher which was said to be an extremely dangerous weapon?