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Anyone knows how I can farm extra 3.5k rep quickly :frowning: Really want to try out Kul’tirans.

Well, some zones are fine for a few quests… the great thing about Outland is that you usually start off picking up quite a lot of easy quests. But after that, the questlines become even worse than what we find in Silithus.

Already did Wanted quests? Maybe find some quests you didn’t do yet? You can use the Wowhead Quest Tracker for that.

Very much so.

Also kinda funny to be playing a Zandalari in Pandaria.

“I do not know what land you come from, stranger!”


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You should do the Isle of Thunder questline, just for fun.


Also, going to be awkward when you do those quests in the lush area of the Kun Lai Summit.


“You! Strange, Night-elf with two toes! Help us! the Zandalari have united the Trolls against us!”

Awkward tug at neckline.


No more awkward than playing Nightborne through entire questing existance :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s your char? My Zandaladin is lvl 50 now.

Hunter. Just a class I am breezing with! Not really gonna roleplay it since my Torcalin Warrior is ready.

Not surprised you’d roll a Prelate. And a lot of people were looking forward to it as well. I considered a Prelate as well, but I find Paladin gameplay a bit…

looks around to see if Araphant is listening



I’m rolling as Tank and it’s nice, I like throwing that shield around. xD


Agreed there.

I like the fantasy of Prot Warriors - which is why im really happy they got their impactful return in 8.1 at bloody last - So pretty much left Hachak here for my Warrior.

One i’ll show imminently maybe when the set is complete.

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You also have Tauren Warrior?

Same dude.

Just… less harrier. And no horns. Tusks instead.


well then Taz’Dingo!

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That’s an odd Blood Elf.

On a different note: why do Zandalari swim like this?

Zakkaru, mighty Troll archivist, what lore explanation do we have that the Zandalari float on water like this?

Cheers, now 2k rep away : )

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A yell can be heard from the other hill



Crap. Hide. Araphant is within hearing range.

“Mm, yes! Yes! Paladins are VERY good!”


Oh my God, if only you could class-change, I’d change Haiete to a Paladin!



You just swim not the right way.

But on the more serious comment : it’s likely a bug, and they were not supposed to be this above water.

There are other freaky bugs. Like their spinning torsos when you use 2H special animation (Slam on arms warrior/ Crusader’s Strike on paladin) Because that is last remaning nelf combat animation on them and I was battling on PTR to change it too but I guess we simply need to do it via forums / bug report.

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