Subterfuge in rbgs? (Sub Rogue)

I see a lot of top rogues playing with subterfuge in rbgs. I assume that it is because it is much easier to get restealths in rbgs? However, I prefer nightstalker not just due to the dps increase, but mostly because I spend so much time moving from A to B in stealth.

Anyone with a bit more insight knows why subterfuge is often the preferred choice?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Probably for the triple stun from stealth no?

Works well with the Master Assassin lego, can save you a shadow dance if the target dies , the one extra second for Shadow Dance can give you an extra stun/shadow strike, it’s basicly a free, shorter and weaker shadow dance after you open. It also depends on what you plan to do on the BG: If you are going after ninja capping then Nightstalker is obviously the better choice for the speed.
Also Nightstalker was nerfed on the damage part

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