Suggestion: faction wide bee mount

I mean the alliance did get only gryphons and horses for the entire expansion for their faction mount while the horde got newer more interesting looking dino mounts for theirs

i didnt bother farming for the bee, but i’d say let the alliance keep it. make the similair farmable mount on the horde side horde only for all i care

I don’t like the philosophy that just because the Alliance/Horde gets something, the other faction needs something too.

It’s ok for a faction to feel special once in a while. We’re not spoiled children, we can let the other side enjoy something for a little while.

Back in SoO Horde got some new toys, Alliance couldn’t get them.
Not many Horde players were saying it was unfair and Alliance deserve them too.

Despite my disagreement for giving Horde the mount too, I really dislike this argument. Really hate it.

Horde are shafted far worse on Mounts than Alliance.

Dinosaurs including raptors are available from a ton of sources.
Undead horses are a very common rare drop, Headless, Invincble, Karazhan, the Classic one.
And of course WoD gave everyone plenty of wolves.
Even the Blood Elf mount is available to Alliance under two variations.

In WoD Horde had nothing but boars.
Alliance at least got the unique, nice looking Garrison mount.

The problem is that in this case the Alliance get to use the exclusive Alliance mounts and they get to use the exclusive Horde mounts too. They should all have got the same treatment IMO. Either no one could use the opposite faction’s specfic mount(s) or both factions can. Atm Alliance can use both the Horde and the Alliance mounts and Horde can only use the Horde ones.

I have no idea why this seems logical to Blizz but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to change.


Are you sure you know what common means? those are pretty rare mounts some people farm for ages

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It is funny how same horde posters, who go to alliance threads say how Alliance players cry, and here they whimper about a mount.

Hypocrisy on its finest.


once there’s no more faction restrictions to anything sure. ps the thread wern’t locked so i asumed it was still open for discussion.

Maybe a second model in the future from a different canonical source
I do feel for the horse situation at the alliance so I’m glad they got the one they have now

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