Suggestion: Glyph of Engaging

My suggestion is as follows: a glyph that changes the direction disengage propels you towards, namely forwards instead of backwards.

The reason for this is quite visible in the video linked.
In order to move in the direction we actually want to go, we have to turn our backs towards. this causes us having to guess if we turned far enough, but also due to this requiring a very quick turn speed the server is not able to catch up to the actual movement direction, especially with the current network infrastructure blizzard is using. this leads to the direction being a bit off quite frequently.

(in this video my ping is 25 ms and i’m using a wired connection. no package drop is being recorded via winMTR)

To lessen the frequency and severity of this effect i’m suggesting a glyph that propels you forwards with the use of disengage instead of backwards. The selected method of a glyph is chosen due to multiple reasons:

  • not everyone is a mouse turner. people turning with their keyboard will likely prefer disengage to stay with the backwards momentum. therefore it’s also the baseline ability
  • as an advanced player, you’re not only likely to start using disengage in the displayed way through mouse-turning, but you also are going to know that glyphs exist and how they work, making it a viable solution to that type of player
  • it allows you to choose freely and exclusively between both directions based on your preference and is a reversible change

I hope this suggestion resonates well with the community (feedback is very welcome) and is an inspiration worthy of blizzards development time.

the name is obviously WIP.


Just have two buttons one forward one backwards simples never understood why we didn’t have even grappling hook can act as a disengage as you can run through them forwards and still no one expects thats its very very funny when they keyboard turn lol

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I’d prefer for there to be a glyph to disengage forward too. One of the things I dislike about the general Hunter toolkit.


thats why u play goblin so u can leap forward

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except that’s a 2 minute cooldown, isn’t it?

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100% this. Although not exactly the same, other glasses with mobility spells (mages Blink, monks Roll) will travel in the direction that they are moving. Disengage is a mobility spell that we use to travel around, not just to jump backwards.


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