Summarizing this week's campaign chapter

We are getting back the bit of soul Uther was missing and helping him go through his regrets to find redemption. After some uneventful Torghast bullcorn that is shoehorned in there to show you that ‘ICYMI, Torghast is totally different now and fun we promise’, we get a peek into Uther’s memories, wherein lies our Weekly Retcon: Uther didn’t turn his back on the Culling of Stratholme as seen im WC3, he instead waded in there and murdered a couple dozen of Lordaeron soldiers and his own pupils from the Silver Hand. You know, he massacred his own men when they disobeyed him, the same exact thing Arthas did which made him such a bad guy. And no, this is never brought up, Uther is never shown to regret it or seek redemption for it. His only regret is that he said a mean thing to Arthas before he was ran through with Frostmourne.

We then accompany Polemarch Adrestes to the Citadel of Loyalty in order to find reconciliation with the Forsworn. As Adrestes puts it, ‘he comes with a message of compassion’. The way that compassion works is that we attack every single Forsworn in sight and viciously murder them unless they pledge everlasting loyalty to the Kyrian on the spot, in which case we just maim them to the point of near-death.

After that, Kyrestia and the Paragons shoot blue lasers out of their hands to make a new Sigil. To recap, the Venthyr crown is a sigil, Elune’s tear is a sigil and random Kyrian hand lasers are a sigil. It is very fortunate that we were never told what a Sigil is, what it does and why it is important, because otherwise all this ‘make a new sigil every week in whatever way is convenient at the time’ might have been seen as a lazy plot contrivance. Blizz writers sure dodged a bullet on that one.

After that, there is a ‘post credit scene’ in which Uther, fresh from a painful journey of regret and redemption for past sins, as a capstone to a story chapter supposedly about compassion and forgiveness, immedietely admits to tossing Arthas into literal Hell to suffer torments everlasting, but flat out refuses to take any responsibility for it in the very same sentence.

I am simply overjoyed that next week is the final chapter because I don’t think I could take this sewage spewing from me screen much longer. I look forward to pretending this is a lobby game with no story for the next several months. I truly think that everyone at Blizzard’s creative writing division should go back to fingerpainting and until they can figure that out, can we just have some raids and dungeons with no story please? This is barely an open world game any more, can we just drop the pretense already?

Failing that, if you still insist on having a ‘story’ in your lobby game, could I maybe get hired on the creative writing team? Back when I was in kindergarden, I would draw crayon comics about a stick figure having adventures while trying to find magic crystals in fantastical lands. You know, forest land, fire land, coffee bean land, ice cream land… I think my mother might have them somewhere. I could mail those to you guys, I think they’d fit this bold new direction for your franchise.


Danuser needs to resign. He’s constantly retconning things with his garbage writing.

They retconned nothing, the entire thing was talked about how it was wrong and different memories blurred together due to the corruption the mourneblade had. Also the Torghast thing had nothing of the new system in it.

I’ll give to the “join us or die” part it seems we could have captured them surely but hey, we do a lot of unethical murdering.

I actually really enjoyed this chapter, the ending let you talk to everyone and it wrapped up all these loose ends.

I’ll grant Uther did sort of shift blame to Devos and half expected a quest to find Arthas’ soul in the Maw so was a bit of a let down. Maybe later, who knows? Why couldn’t we take any other souls either? Or even mention who was there like “The Golden King” is that Anduin?


It never said the memories were ‘wrong’, just jumbled together, which is why he stepped out of his knighting right into the Culling. But the specific memories were still his and they still happened. The quest designer just put in a ‘kill x things’ timewaster and never stopped to consider any story implications. It’s just one huge clown fiesta of demonstrable, colossal laziness. They even used the decade old model for Arthas because apparently getting a new model for Uther exhausted all the time and money in this ‘content update’ that took eight months to make.

It specifically used the new Adamantine Vaults tileset and floorplan to make you think there’s new stuff in Torghast on the off chance you haven’t been there since the new patch.

Mrrmmm… well he didn’t kill any traitors, no that was definitely a “look press buttonz in vehicle” so will
agree that much.

And I see, have never done that floor, I thought it was a raid decor preview. I actually thought the last boss was in a corridor with the separate wings :rofl:

It literally said that these weren’t his memories and that different memories were getting mixed up.

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← coffee bean covenant enjoyer
Your childhood story would easy beat the cringe fanfic from fratboy Steven.

It was kind of lazy imo.

We clearly need this storyline for the renown grind to 80

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?? :smiley: they didn’t retconned anything here
i’m not a LORE nerd but i didn’t have problem to understand what is happening in those memories

Here’s what really confused me about this chapter:
Why is the piece of Uther’s soul in Torghast, along with a bunch of other people Arthas has killed? Uther talks to you at the entrance of ICC after Arthas is killed, meaning his soul was no longer tied to Frostmourne. So how the heck did he end up in the tower?

Ditto on King Terenas. One of the other souls in that room in Torghast is called something like “the betrayed father”, which I’m assuming is referring to Arthas’ father.
Terenas appears to Tirion right as Arthas was dying and then vanished along with all the other souls that escaped the broken Frostmourne. So again, how did he end up getting trapped by the Jailer?


Lol so true, and i agree this week was so cringe, but i liked a few of campaign chapters tho but generally yes, writing is lazy and generic sometimes especially dialogues some of them are pure cringe.

I think they forget that their target audience is not kids anymore, most wow players who still play are veterans who have been with this game time to time for years.

Also in your little summery of the chapter, you forgot how witnessing ONE soul learn something from its past compelled the Kyrian to turn the entire system they’ve had in place for friggin eons completely on its head.
Supposedly, doing the job the Kyrian are supposed to do in order to keep this entire universe’ metaphysics from falling apart requires them to erase all the memories they had of their mortal lives. But NOPE, I guess that’s not necessary any more.

So Kyrestia is trying to mend the rift between the Kyrian and the Forsworn… by telling ALL the Kyrian under her command that sacrificing their mortal memories was entirely pointless. The whole process of “cleansing” your memories was shown to be extremely arduous, even torturous, and now Kyrestia is saying that all of that was for nothing.
Do you want another civil war? Because that’s how you get another civil war.


By what we know, we can assume that the Primus will just nosebleed the new Maldraxxus sigil out. Make haste, someone punch him in the face already!

I was looking at the other souls before grabbing Uthers. And i wonder if there is lore for them all. Some were familiar but still, i want more knowledge :smiley:

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maybe when frostmourne was shatered souls travel to maw?

Uther: “Thank you, brave heros of Azeroth! My soul is free now! I can finally rest after all the hard work you put in to defeat the endboss of this raid dungeon!”

[weird plot twist 10 seconds later]

Uther: “Oh, come on!”

Yeah. Sounds like something Blizzard would do…

This is something I do not understand. Sigils were supposed to be something very special and unique. Now they seem more like, oh the toilet brush broke, I better pop to ASDA and get a new one… TBH I know nothing about them. I don’t understand what they are for, what can they do, why are they important. Nothing. But I thought they had a serious meaning and powers hidden within them, and uniqueness. Now they seem like a brooch, pretty to have but does really nothing.

Could anyone shed some light on that?

I didn’t read any quest texts and skipped all cutscenes because the story is just that bad at this point. Back in Warcraft 3, Tyrande was awesome and I loved the Night Elf stories, but Blizzard completely butchered everything.

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This is likely precisely what happened. Likely has to do with being trapped within Frostmourne, the magic of the blade enabled the Jailer to have a grip on them and thus was able to claim them when they passed into the Shadowlands rather than going to the Arbiter.

Which also suggests (and this is the only way it makes sense) that the half of Sylvanas’ soul turned into a banshee was the half that would otherwise have gone to the Shadowlands and the other half was imprisoned within Frostmourne. When Frostmourne was destroyed, it was claimed by the Jailer along with all the other soul fragments.