Super casual PvP player

Hey guys,

All i wanna do is play unrated battlegrounds, and world PvP. Every evening, every lunch break, and weekends.

I dont care about BiS arena gear or perfectly optimal stat ratios, i just wanna log in my mage and burst down some fools.

Attaining conquest is a nightmare, because arena is not my comfort zone, and i literally have 200 ilvl.

Running M+ dungeons is hard, because I’m a random dps player.

This post is NOT a rant or me complaining about the game. I completely understand that I’m the problem, but what would you guys suggest i do?

Is it better to farm M+ slow af but constantly? Or will basic conquest gear do a better job for my needs?

I just did unrated bgs to get gear. Fully upgraded honor gear works pretty good in random bgs, and honor is easy to get. Maybe hide in epic bgs to get ilvl up a bit. Then add conquest items as you go along. Just my suggestion that worked for me, enough gear to have fun on basically.


i agree with Vaeyn, i play bgs most of the day and i’ve got full honor mixed in with conquest gear. i played a few 2v2 games to get my weapons quicker but i feel fine in bgs unless fighting someone in full duelist gear :slight_smile:


They could bring the conquest catchup mechanic back.

Thank you guys! That’s very reassuring <3


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