Supplying the assassins

Who ever create this achievement was insane. I’ve got 10 atm but need 25 its anoying as hell. When u finaly get assasin u still need to camp in nazjatar and just hope the oppesite faction isn’t dominating the shard and steal it from you.

You can realm hop for this achievement and you do not lose your buff.

Can complete it in about 12 hours.

There is a macro to see when you are eligible to loot the chest to save time on hopping;

/run canNotLoot=C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(56792); if canNotLoot then e="\124cffff0000not eligible\124r" else e="\124cff00ff00eligible\124r"; end print(format(“You are %s to loot the Nazjatar Supply Chest”,e))

Mabye a dumb question but how do you recommend realmhopping ?

Do i just look up nazjatar or just basicly join every group possible

Yeah exactly that, use the lfg tool and type in “Naz” “Supply Crate” etc I did it really easily, watched a film on one screen and hopped until it was a horde shard.

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