Survivability against melee

So, any updates other than a minor buff to demon armor?

I can’t see this will be enough at the moment especially for affliction, I can’t survive most melee atm due to gap closers and inability to get any casts off with the level of cc and burst about

I know scaling will help but atm ita a real PITA to survive and do anything…

I’d say our shield needs a buff to 20% basic and be made baseline not a talent.
Demon armor baseline and at around a 260% armor increase.

We aren’t with mobility of others so tankiness needs to go up alot for pvp right now…

My experience against hunter, for example.

I try to CC the hunter, it interrupts me. I try to use other CC, it sics its pets at me. I use my pet’s CC, but it doesn’t work, then I try life drain to get my HP back (its pets kill me so quickly), but it somehow dismisses my lifedrain and just shoots me.

What the heck am I supposed to do? Warlocks are a bad joke, they’re really weak… just punching bags. So many abilities you can’t use when a hunter sends its pets to gnaw at you while it shoots you inbetween your eyes and you die.

Why do they have these unplayable, unviable, weak, punching bag classes in the game? Compare warlock to rogue and you see what I mean; there’s NO rogue player that isn’t super happy with their class, because it’s totally, unfairly OP.

Us other people have no such luck, so I don’t know what they were thinking, but could they balance these classes so EVERY class would be playable and viable?

they have 15 sec faint death leggo that dispels all the harmfull stuff as well + they have silence + interrupt + sac + they can just run away, so u can do literally nothing against good hunter, just chill and afk

Play demo against hunter the only thing you need to do is send your pets.

Too bad we cant change specs in starting room to deal with hunter xD because yeah the leggo is basically affliction bane


That’s true, it is hard as Affliction against hunter

i like playing against warriors… charge + stun + leap + perma slow + charge again. interrupt and spell reflect.

i only have 2portals that i need to set up before the fight.
i feel useless as fk. where is our shadowfury insta with 30sec cd, where is shadowflame slow, where is our howl of terror +deathcoil baseline?

why do they keep removing our cc / mobility while giving everything to other specs


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