Survival changes in 9.1?

Now with 9.1 on the horizon with a release date, I have to say I’m really excited to try out the new survival pvp talents live.
I think they will pair exceptionally well with the rework and new abilities we got with the release of shadowlands!

Jokes aside though :grin:, Not a single thing here either?

Definitely favorite hunter spec & would’ve loved trying out new stuff & builds. But it’s like there’s been nothing but passive tweaks and borrowed powers since the end of legion. Feels like Even the legendaries here falls short of the playstyle variety you could get out of the old azerite traits.

Don’t think it paired very well with the covenant abilities either, as they kinda just felt like tailored for the other two specs. So felt a bit left out there as well.

Bit bummed out now, as It really looks like I won’t be trying out anything new cool for the spec this exp at all…

Well, it is what it is, we will have to deal with it unfortunately :man_shrugging:

The only lego that probably was going to change a thing and i was hoping to try was nerfed to the ground… RIP NECRO!

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for pvp survival is not bad anyways. Just nobody plays it.
BM is just better and easier.

just bad that surv needs completely different stats and covenant than survival

Survival is bad my friend. No burst and low Sustain damage.mongose bite do hardly 2k physical damage. Its only playable with a god disc to help with kills 2s and maybe feral. And yes i khow bicmex does realy good in 2s but he is crazy good hunter and if he was bm he would be mutch better.with 1.5 average dps and low burst you cant even counter preasure a monk that go mongo your priest.even bm hunter without a priest to help with stun and damage or druid to go damp would have problems to secure kills against tanky classes.sory for my english

SV vs BM

GG SV Bicmex \o/

That does not make survival better dude. Bicmex is realy good hunter. You can see how he abuse the path problems with pets on the goes.especialy zandalari arena he was crazy good. Have you try survival yourself? also try to play with holy pala that cant help with justice mind games and speak to me again. 1.5 dps is realy low.

i’m a SV player too. Not a the same lvl. Very far away of that game lvl. i wish and try ^^
SV is not a bursty spec so it’s hard in a burst meta season specialy at start of SL. But i’m not agree that SV don’t do constant pressure.

Yes Sv have to play better and be more smart that a lot spec/ class. But you have the toolkit for it. That’s where the spec is rewarding (in my point of view), it’s more effort but when you do well ( happens to me sometimes) it’s a big smile on the face.
And in very good Hands like Bicmex or Jelly etc … they can kill almost every ones.

After “there 's always a bigger fish”.

Edit: you can watch others video specialy when he play with his rogue in 2v2and look his dps meter. And he play very defensif. After like you said come tell me that SV don’t do constant damages. And it"s a not about brain some A.I pet.

My friend bm is not bursty too but does a lot more damage. Survival has mutch more control (undispelable trap,steel trap,net) and can get games to dampening,or cc dps and go for healers but the damage isn’t there. My opinion is that a spec without burst must have good sustain and survival doesn’t. If you find a god priest that can give on goes 30 k damage with justice and fear after trap it will work. Else your damage is not there. Try bm and you will understand what i want to say.

I’m sure that priest - feral (necro) are agree with you.
No pressure … (against again a mirror match healer)

Surv hunter with weapon swamp macro and sylvanas bow giving u a addunal 4 sec CC.
like Surv hunter is not strong inaff wins even 3 vs 1s in world pvp :rofl:

Saying “survival is fine cuz bicmex” is like saying that we can all travel to the moon because Fuglesang did it.

BM is better, hands down end of discussion. And if Bicmex was a BM hunter and played that for as long as he did survival, he would be doing even better.

Please develop :thinking:

Better sustained, better burst, 100% uptime. This is true for both PvE/PvP-scenarios.

Nope, it’s not.

Survival has better AoE, yes. So ok - survival does better in M+ overall, BM does better in raid.

Survival will do higher single target this tier too.

I hope you are right currently they arnt according to logs and sims. But to god i hope you are right.

According to sims they are. And logs are absolutely irrelevant after 2 days where most bosses haven’t even been killed by many people, not to mention it’s heroic only.

We aren’t in 8.3 anymore. Jerby already said it, and sims are here. Besides that, seems SL is making sure Hunter won’t go any higher, unless some miracle will happen in the coming changes or 9.2