Survival hunter no changes in next patch?

Actually just saw that SV got 15% buff on latent poison ^^


Im not fan of these only borrowed power tuning. I have to give up our best utility leggo to increase our bursty dmg a little bit. But it sounds really good Anyway a well prepared 3 stack raptor + 10 stack latent with kyrian resonating arrow and trinket can hit 15k ish into players that’s not bad. Sadly poison removing still a thing.

The one change that could help would be making murder of crows base line and replace it with another ST talent that would buff our existing spells.

that sound nice! where dyou see this?

Id say completely revert sv to the ranged MoP version


won’t happen. Move on


These ones are painful. The pet is indeed a massive liability.

This I don’t care much. I think we have good damage overall.
There’s nothing wrong to have burst specs & high sustain specs, and we belong to the latter.


Well the thing is if its going to be a pvp oriented spec its better to have burst, while sustained is better for pve.

Not really. You can get away with a weaker burst when you can intimidation into trap into fear into clone all game long.
Crows + Death chakrams also deal a good chunk of damage. I think it’s fine.

Still, I agree with the first two points. Pet and defensive CDs are quite bad.
3 minute CD for a sprint is also ridiculous.

Sustain is bad in both pve and pvp
A sustain dps spec can only be good if it does significantly more dps overall than a spec with high burst.


Absolutely agree, i don’t play much pve, so can’t tell about it, but in pvp burst is king that’s for sure

Also for pvp its kyrian all the way, other covenants cant compete, the resonating arrow is just too powerful.

For Marksmanship maybe.
But soon my child, soon, people will see the errors of their ways.

nah, no los is huge, u can even harpoon through columns

Can you ground Kidney shots though?

can u kill through walls right when u r bursting … which is the important moment cuz u r 100 gonna get losed ??

Meh, you’re not getting LOS’d that much as Survival since you’re melee.
It’s really not as important as it is for MM.

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As he said, LoS is revelant for Harpoon, but that’s about it. Also, for Kill Shot, but I don’t think just 2 abilities would be enough to justify Kyrian for SV, I see you went Necro and I have thought about doing the same, specially now with the buff to Fleshcraft. For a melee spec, like us, feels like the best choice specially because we need some extra survivability, it’s kinda moronic that we as a melee, or hybrid if you wanna see it that way, still have the same defensive CDs as the ranged specs, we should at least have either an extra defensive CD or improvement(s) to the current ones, as a melee that’s quite necessary and Fleshcraft seems like a decent enough “band-aid” for now.

Speaking of which, what are your thoughts on it? Since you have been using it.

Well first, Fleshcraft is not the only perk. With Marileth, you get a 15% health shield upon reaching half HP, and it’s only on a 30 second cooldown. So that’s nice.

Fleshcraft can be used during Turtle, so you always get a full channel. You can also use it the same way a Shaman uses grounding totem, to nulify incoming CCs. I’ve absorbed HoJ, blind and kidney shot with it and it’s great.
Besides, it also heals you for a bit thanks again to Final form.

As for Death chakrams, with my 202 gear and burst cooldowns, it ticks for about 1400, 7 times. It’s pretty awesome combined with Crows for some big pressure every minute.
Don’t forget there’s a conduit to increase its damage by 10%, and in the next patch they’re buffing it by 15% again.