Tarren Mill misconception

Was there anyone else who used to read Tarren Mill as Tauren Mill?
Due to the similarity, as a new player years ago I expected it to be a Tauren related hub (a cow farm?) instead of a Forsaken hub.

A mill where the grain is ground into flour by Tauren who take turns at rotating the millstone.

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Not really. I read the word correctly and didn’t overthink it.

To this day however, I still believe Night Elves to be Muslims.

Ishnu’Allah my brother.


That phrase makes me think of Nixxiom’s video for that starting zone npc
“The True Story of The ISHNU-ALAH Guy! - (Warcraft Lore)” by Nixxiom

From now on that’s how I’m going to see it!


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I assumed it’s where they made ground beef.

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I’m afraid not, but I do bring Pandamonium!

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Humanoid bovine ground beef…
That sounds like a Forsaken delicacy

Yep, when I joined as a 12 year old, skim-reading location names and assuming it was Tauren Mill, then getting there and looking for said Tauren Mills only to see Forsaken buildings.

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I feel relieved that I was not the only one

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