TBC character transfer disgusting business

So starting with the fact that you opened a lot of tbc realms and the majority of them is empty now , yes it is not your fault , then you dont even implement the dungeon finder in the game because you are listening to players ? (lolz) which players ? 2-3 streamers opinion ? That is not what the majority of the players wants, the majority of the players want to play the game. And to play this game you need people . Low pop realms can not be played . and they are a lot of 1000 ppl/faction realms or less. So what are the options? : 1 PAYED transfer ofc (we are blizzard we failed with the realms cool , now lets make some money out of it fast, lets use the fact that ppl cant play on low pop servers takt the money for transfers.) disgusting business… I might say.
And you go to high pop realm … FIREMAW! 1-2 q :smiley: to log in the afternoon… You are not living in this game to log in early and not log out all day so after you came home from your job you have the Q. Now you are so glad you payed 50 euro or more for your transfers . Yes now you blame yourself why didint you go on a medium pop server , you wanted the best right ? The best possible experince the only server with high pop horde and alliance , you are a pvp player outdoor pvp is nice to. Why didint you go on a one side faction realm ? Because thats not the best wow experince , you play a pvp realm to see some oposite faction to…
Blizzard saying over and over they are listening to players xD I’l ask again which players are those? And with what solution you are coming up ? Because Option 2 is : quit the game go play something else . And a lot of players are dooing it . You may win some money taking people who you forced to transfer with not fixing the issue that low pop servers are not playable but definetly loosing money on the long run.
Question is , Blizzard do you even care annymore ?:))

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