Tbc classic hidden state

feral druid, 10 hours a day in netherstorm, autowalks and never interacts with anybody has the same route all the time, killing phase hunters, skinning them and making endless amount of gold with primal manas, disenchanting green items and selling skins.
wearing full greens/blues no trinkets equipped and an epic staff, reported this botter numerous times and he did get a short ban (i think) for a short while but resumed his botting immediately after, still botting to this day
(wanted to name him but apparently not allowed)

i made a post yesterday describing it in a short-story fashion which got removed twice already :frowning:
i am truly disappointed i merely want to stress out a neglected problem which affects us all, what is so difficult with tracking down cheaters and destroying their exploits on our expanses? is it a wrong of me to question this? is this wrong for me to try and shed a light on the fact that a botter doesn’t get removed after 3 months of endless botting?

i am not trying to portray blizzard’s inactivity towards this problem as an insult or inaction or disrespect.

im simply stating a fact and asking for answer.
perhaps this is some strategy to keep a low populated server alive/active with having bots running around making it seem like players actually play?
perhaps removing bots would hinder the overall concurrent online of wow players?
i dont know but it raises alot of questions and if such, seemingly a mere problem(and easily solvable), but if such a small problem is neglected would it mean that a bigger one would too? or what if many little problems just keep stacking up and nothing done about them?

this sounds controversial i know, but this is not my intent by any means, im a honest player and i simply want a fair game environment

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Because of the name. If you take out the name, you should be able to post it.


the name of the post is alright now? or do you mean the botter’s name?

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Unfortunately, yes.

You’re not allowed to name and shame on the forums. Further more, this is the Classic Discussion board and not the TBC Classic Discussion board.

True, naming is not allowed - but it still needs people to report it to be taken down. Maybe the named bot is on this forum as well ?

i’ll remove the name, but trust me he does not respond , he is a botter all he cares about is gold and the means to sell it and exploit, and i am not trying to shame nobody,
for he is not ashamed to bot- he is doing it as we speak, come take a look in Razorgore eu, search at the outskirts of netherstorm you’ll find him walking in catform in a automated pattern…

and i thought Tbc classic belongs to classic discussions, is it not? if there are bots in tbc classic its safe to assume they are in all classic servers

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You can move this topic to the TBCC forum by help of the pencil icon next ti the name of the post. For there are two forums, one Classic Era and one TBCClassic.

it’s definitely not wrong for you to question this, anti cheating is very important in any type of game and definitely a major aspect of quality for a wow realm which is a economy based game.

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