TBC is a Disaster

The issue is that a ton of these bugs have been reported throughout the beta multiple times, yet kept completely ignored just to push the release because of ESO / AOC.

Man I don’t care if there are minor bugs, we get it, but its unacceptable that several game-related areas like class specs are left and right broken & the whole pvp side of things is a disaster, yet releases get rushed and pushed out even though the issues are known & reported.

Well its Blizzard we are talking about don’t expect to much.

Letting horde migrate to already high pop servers making the server balance even worse ect, they are dumb its that simple!

It’s the result of a compagny that seems to spend less and less in internal testing AND releasing too soon the product.

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I’m absolutely loving TBC Classic, not had this much fun on WoW since TBC the first time around. A very happy bunny here :blush:

Stupidity make itself obvious.

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