Testing Same-Faction Battlegrounds in Burning Crusade Classic

That wont happen, no worries. Feel free to reroll, my soon to be horde brother.


tbh just happy I can play the activity I wanted to now, more than once a night anyway.

Truth is, Alliance just don’t queue. They have majority population on a whole ton of realms but they just don’t queue for BGs full stop. Being on a PvP or PvE realm is irrelevant.

Populations are about 45/55 skewed for Horde sure but that shouldn’t be enough to drive queue times to over an hour… unless the Alliance just aren’t queueing.

As a horde player who’s playing only PvP, I really hate those queues and clearly, we needed a solution. However, this solution is clearly one of the worst. It’ll only decrease Alliance population.

Please consider to implement a free faction transfer (Only Horde to Alliance side if the server is Horde favor).

I don’t want to play on a mono faction server and I’m ready to transfer. However, I don’t want to “reroll” as some players suggest because I’m playing this character since Classic, I’ve done ton of things on it and I don’t want to restart again.

So please, think about this solution.


Can I have your stuff?


this is more than false. atm in top 50 2v2 ladder, there are 28 horde players, and 22 alliance players. The thing here is, and i rly dont want to be toxic, you guys need to l2p. A dwarf priest like Goldscammer is negative stats in 3s, low rating as rmp and you qq about racials? nah mate even if you are horde you will be still negative stats. Its also funny too see how many people think horde has so stronger racials atm than alliance. Guess most of them are low rating/xp and just like to qq cause they suck at the game. Dwarf priest is atm arguably better than ud priest. Stoneform + instant heal vs the most popular combo rogue/mage (who btw almost all of the time tunnel priests) is way more better than ud priest. Gnome warrior waaaaaaay better than orc warrior no argue about that. Human rogue is also VERY strong cause openers are so important in this fast meta. Gnome mages also have a nice advantage in mage mirrors. Just go on the check-pvp side and look how many alliance players are in the top 50ö do they qq here in the forum about racials? :DDD


How does it feel? :slight_smile: Big karma in ur face buddy.


Insert phase 2 crying. Then you can leave the forums and the game.
Go away already.

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Any problem Horde has fixed
Any problem Alliance has is ignored

Alliance actually winning in AV because premades? insta fix

Back to endless priv server? lol


Completely retarded. Boost ally racials and it would even out eventually


I am sure some stupid decision that will be favorable for Alliance will happen in a month and then we repeat the cycle until we play Retail TBC. Let’s hope it sticks to this.

Why is there only 19 upvotes? I thought horde was begging for this? Cant even press the button? We need that change for horde to automatically do so O.O

Horde had the option to use dark portal pass to instantly boost to 58 before launch and balance servers for TBC. This is beyond stupid, it should have been announced prior to launch. It was no secret that more people would go Horde with TBC due to BELF paladins, if you wanted to have balanced ques on a pvp server you should have rolled alliance, this is garbage!


Im all for good changes buddy.
Let them buff some ally racials.
Or give them some more incentive to pvp.
Glad im not a spergy no changes cuck.

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This is what happens when you letting Blizzard taking control. This was no surprise for horde players that queues would be long in TBC. We also had 40-90 min queues during classic ranking in P2. Instead of maybe boosting honor a little bit you actually making horde even more powerful. And faction rivality obviously not matter at all for you anymore. With this change I think you should open up world pvp against everyone as well since that would actually be helping the player base that wants more world pvp.


Just a quick reminder that the most you damaged here are the hordes who actually farmed out their full honor set. How does that even feel? They waste so much time to have it negated? Worse looking than the alliance balancing.

Alliance don’t que because most of them are only on PVE servers, but they still get lumped into cross battle bgs to pander to the PVP horde. Please ungroup PVP and PVE servers and let the PVP sweaties fight themselves!

Exactly. Horde players gets all the benefits now and with allround FOMO sickness among majority, things might go the opposite way meaning Alliance transfer to Horde, even PvEers for bigger recruit pool. Happens on retail last few years.

Who would doubt that you will bend under your favorite red faction here again.


Now we’ll wait and see if this causes an even bigger backlash for them :laughing:

Oh i did read some very salty post about hordes five stages. It was him!? :smiley:

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