< The Chemical Brothers> PvP LF More Members

Hello There!

The Chemical Brothers, Recently resurrected, are looking for more PVP’rs. Whether your poison is Arena, or RBG’s. Whether your new or accomplished, you have a place here.

There are 3 of us at the core of the guild, that have been trying, and failing, to find a guild that would provide weekly RBG’s and PvP content. After some lengthy discussion, we have decided to make ower own, as we have experience doing this in the past.

We Aim to provide 2 RBG’s per week, one casual and one a little more serious. A in house 2v2 wargame tournament, for some bragging rights :slight_smile:

The days and times for the RBG have yet to be decided, but will cater to the majority of people within the guild, as people have lifes and responsibility outside of WoW.

We are still at the growing stage, so RBG’s will likely be implemented when we feel it is time to do so.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in you contact me ingame on Fancyham or real ID SaltyDawg#21469


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