The Great Argent Dawn C.o.D service is back on Firemaw!


The Great Argent Dawn C.o.D service is back! It was a huge succes on the old Argent Dawn server during MoP and its now starting up on Firemaw! We are going for a slow start, but over the next months it will hopefully grow steadily, so keep tuned.

This service is currently for the part time farmers whom like to farm a bit and can’t be arsed with the auction house and all the undercutting. I will buy your mats, for a little less then AH price, however you are guaranteed to sell your mats if you C.o.D them to me. As the service is gets even further implemented in the market, i will be able to accept unlimited amounts of mats, just as it was on Argent Dawn.

Keep in mind that prices fluctuates. I will try and match the prices on the auction house multiple times during the day. So always keep yourself updated with the prices in the post. The amount i need will also fluctuate. However, if you did send me something, and an hour later when the C.o.D shows up, i don’t need it anymore, i will accept it so you don’t waste your valuable time farming.

In the future, i will also be able to make special deals with reliable farmers and grant you a higher price for your mats in return of reliability, just as on Argent Dawn :slight_smile:

IMPORTANT! Things that are in EMPHASIS and in BOLD are items that i do not currently need! Be updated on the quantities


Mountain Silversage - 70s each/14g a stack. Send C.o.D to Huckabee
Plaguebloom - 40s each/8g a stack. Send C.o.D to Huckabee
Gromsblood - 20s each/4g a stack. Send C.o.D to Huckabee
Ghost Mushroom - 70s each/14g a stack. Send C.o.D to Huckabee
Goldthorn - 10s each/2g a stack. Send C.o.D to Huckabee
Wintersbite - 12s each/2.4g a stack. Send C.o.D to Huckabee
Wild Steelbloom - 30s each/6g a stack. Send C.o.D to Huckabee
Black Lotus - 70g each. Send C.o.D to Huckabee


Stonescale Eel - 14s each/2.8g a stack. Send C.o.D to Huckabee

Post is very new and gets updated frequently!
If i am not to find on Huckabee, i might be on one of my bankers “Bankerone” or Bankertwo" :slight_smile:

Right now due to large influx in materials on the auction house, the prices fluctuate to much, and it is very complicated to set the prices so it’s both beneficial for you and me, so right now, the C.o.D service will be offline till some of the prices stabilize.