The lack of pvp changes are so worrisome

clearly some direction change happening at blizzard. Hopefuly the out of touch changes to make the meta faster and more fast pace led to Holinka changing jobs and i’m hoping that the slow response is a massive directional change that going to slow the meta down and make it far more compatible for healers

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Probably won’t see anything change before 10.1.5 except for the changes in patch notes which are not even close to what needs to be done to the current state of pvp.

I’m going into maintenance mode and capping 1 vault slot per week if even that until this is fixed. That way I have a chance to stay up to date gear wise without losing my will to live by trying to climb in the current mess that is solo shuffle and mmr-fkery.

Diablo 4 around the corner so it’s not like I won’t have problems staying entertained while waiting for them to fix their horrible minigame :joy:

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The big isssue is it looks like the devs really don’t know what to do and how to balance things at all

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Let jesus take the wheel…

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I’m pretty sure we will get a blue post tonight for the next reset … they have to …

“We’ve tried nothing and it didn’t work!”

  1. Triple or Quadruple MMR gain, and uncap MMR TODAY. MMR is currently capped at 2.4k, which means literally the best players in the world are stuck at 2.4k and will be stuck at sub 2.7k for another 1-2 MONTHS. This means that if you were planning to push gladiator with the boys this season as a 2.2k-2.5k peak player, you will have to wait 2-3 MONTHS so you can avoid Whaaz and the boys playing at 1,000 rating lower than their peak. This effect trickles down. I play AWC CHAMPIONS AT 1.9K MMR. This needs to be changed 3 weeks ago, the second best time is literally this second.

  2. Lower the rate of dampening stacking in Shuffle and Arena. How they expect healer queues to shorten when healers become irrelevant after 1 minute 30 seconds is hilarious. If you told a new player ‘yeah your class doesn’t actually heal, it just presses cooldowns’ no one would ever play healer ever again, yet this bait and switch is present in shuffle and has forced me - a 7 year long healer main, to completely abandon the role. My wife, who also most heals, hasn’t healed for 3-4 months either and 10.1 has only made it worse.

  3. Take the current pvp trinket bonus that is 25% primary stat for DPS and lower it to 10-15%.

  4. Reduce holy paladin mana requirement by like 50%

  5. Cold Blood should not work with secret technique. Neither ability is broken by itself, both combined make a broken combo.

  6. Owlkin Adept removed

  7. Fel Fissure removed

  8. Shadowmeld no longer drops combat or immunes CC

  9. Orc stun racial removed

  10. Human trinket racial removed

Heres a list of easy wins that virtually everyone can agree upon that they could implement tomorrow for better participation and balance. Will they do it? Probably not.


I fudging like you Leeches. Yes. Unfortunately this isn’t the US forumboards, so we have to crowdfund Leeches an NA account to repost our shireposting.

As a Mistweaver main, I’m pretty pleased with the current state of the game.

I would too if my spec was literally the best at filling it’s role in ss without even having to try that hard :joy:


It’s weird because, besides having lost Song of Chi’ji, I’m not noticing any difference at all between MW in season 1 and currently.

What’s changed to make them S tier?

There is small chance 10.1.5 will be this month as catalyst was implemeted for test purpose on 10.1.5 ptr.

Imo their HPS and mana efficiency just seem insane

To me it feels exactly the same as season 1. I rarely OOMed in season 1 and I had the same throughput as I do now.

I don’t know. I’m really not feeling like there is a difference.

My guess is that it was just as strong in season 1 but nobody noticed because there weren’t many Mistweavers.
It took all the Fistseavers switching spec to notice.

not true, casted hps wasnt close to FW output, meanwhile being able to get locked out and lose the game. MW is just way better rn.

HPS feels the same.
And the instant cast on Enveloping Mist was added mid-season in season 1.

Well… the ladders speak for themselves but many rank 1 players also say that getting a MW in the opposing team usually means a loss unless you outplay them by a lot and/or the dps throw the game. It would be nice if other healers get buffed to the same level so that more healers happily join the queues.

Delete dampening and you won’t even need buffs for other healers.

Lots of things that can be done to make pvp better. Doesn’t look like any of the changes are coming with 10.1.5 :joy:

Kicks last for a shorter duration, MW was somewhat vulnerable (more so than other healers) to long kicks.
The game is more dampening oriented, which fits MW much better than 1min games.
Casters are way more powerful than before, and MW does very well with casters, and rather well against casters thanks to Revival (which is, for now, still in the game).

A class doesn’t need to be buffed to become amazing. It may only need its environment to suit it more.

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