The least represented class in wow is getting the biggest nerf XD

evoker gets a big nerf as devastation yet no way to sustain survivability or extend its cast range XD, its fun how ppl cry about the one shots but there is barely any1 playing evoker compared to other classes, now even fewer will XD, gotta love balancing :smiley: take the house but leave a cake

in the meanwhile, we still have overtuned sub rogues 1 shotting
overtuned DH
Overtuned 1 shot ele shaman/enhance shaman

overtuned ww 1 shots

too high self healing on fury warrior

absurd damage on arcane mage,

yeah i love this :smiley:

Barely anyone playing Evoker? Have we been playing the same game for the last couple of days?

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yeah i have been playing over 1300 skirmishes since pre patch and in bgs and non stop :stuck_out_tongue: devastation is the least played i see out of every evoker :stuck_out_tongue: and even classes

Could also be due to the fact that most people will first level up and gear their mains which isn’t their evoker. The expansion is out for not even one week yet. Some could argue that devastation is a bit of a shallow design but I’ve still seen a lot of evokers in the bg’s I played so far and prevokers are in another galaxy compared to other healers atm…

Guess you did not read the DK execution, R.I.P


You read the patch wrong, they buffed Mistweaver.

did you see the prevoker nerf 10% on mana regen? that was NOT a big nerf, compared to devoker, the reason is devoker has such POOR damage outside the burst window that if they miss the uppertunity to try and kill they are being targeted and forced into a defensive playstyle they dont have,

they do NOT have the capability to survive vs 2 melee cleaves at all compared to every other class in the game, name 1 class in the game who can survive less than than evoker if a DH and fury warrior sits on them, vs spell cleaves most casters have 30-40 yard range while evoker has 20. making them very hard to play into casters without burst window , because they have to get in and commit damage and overextend as well

Might be DK after these nerfs tbh


well true after the nerfs, but that will not change the evokers position tbh , just worsen it right now XD, before only time it was scary was when it popped 1 shot, now evoker when you see it in a game is a free win, just train devoker

The 2-minute burst was the only thing devoker had going for it.

not true, and it shows that the nerf was not justified without buffing other aspects,

the 1 shot was easily countered by classes who stacked, or didnt pop defensive when seeing dragonrage being cast,

as well as the big dmg spike came after when you got a free living flame proc with full scarlet adaptation 100% dmg buff that crit for nearly 200 k right after, and on top of that deep breath aoe, it was only bad ppl who didnt know how to play around 2 min cd breath who got killed inside it,

the worst part is that the 2 min cd is too long and is easily countered by other defensives allways being available when 2 min accur for the nxt setup, even the trinket is ready for that go, id say

nerf the dmg was fine, but buff pyre with 25% instead of 15, buff living flame cast speed with roughly 0.4 sec, buff tip the scale so its cd is at 90 sec instead of 2 mins, and its better lined up to try and score a kill after outplaying a trinket if you fail the first go,

most classes outplay by pressure with burst to force a trinket and then after the trinket they go again, evoker cannot do that because everytime its up they have a respond for it, so no outplay there, nerfed dmg on 1 shot was fine, but we have to see how the class pans out now

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