The mad dukes Tea is entirely untested and lacking any sense

The Mad Duke’s Tea has a 1 hour cooldown, but lasts 4 hours. Which wouldn’t be a problem if your alt specs used the same conduit loser… BUT if one spec uses Theotar and one spec uses another conduit loser then you lose the buff… and if you swap back BEFORE that hour is up, you lose your final conduit power. What is actually wrong with the designers at blizzard, seriously clueless…


This sounds kinda stupid if that’s how it is. I can see that being very frustrating for those who multi-spec often.

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Actually it makes sense, Sure its annoying in some ways but its made so people dont swap as long as they want til they get the buff they want

Ye it’s terrible
i hope they will change it so my CD will be reseted when i switch cause i’m playing my CLASS i’m not the SPEC guy you know so i don’t like to be punished becuase i like to play all 3 of my specs

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trouble with that and probably the reason it works like it does is you then reroll until you hit the optimal buff. though that’s a lesser evil than preventing people from multi-speccing or people trying to reroll many hours before the raid and then logging out until raid to maintain their buff.

all in all they haven’t though this one through it feels like.

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