The P2W GDKP has to go

Inspired by all those “the 58 boost is pay to win” i just want to name the elephant in the room.

#Somechanges: Please implement personal loot from retail to get rid of GDKP.

This way of getting upgrades is directly pay to win and utterly destroyed server economies. If nothing is done this will run rampant from the start of TBCC. GMs on big servers are making 50k g a week. The average cut for each player is 2 / 3k. Naxx items go for 15k+. Big buyers buy gold or get gold from GDKP runs (that gold mostly comes from RMT).

This is crazy and it has to stop.

Yes, it will screw up loot distribution for normal guilds but that is a small price to pay imo.

How do you feel about GDKP? Are you looking forward to start TBCC running GDKPs?


We’ll see GDKPs very early in TBC.
I don’t like that & am planning to host normal runs myself.


I wish my realm had GDKP, I’d love to carry some rich dudes for massive gold gain. Alas, I have not seen a single one since start of Classic.



But retail mechanics such as personal loot are akin to using a flamethrower to light a candle.

You’re never going to stop people using GDKP, but personal loot would unbalance the entire game. Drop chance was implemented for a reason - it gives people an incentive to repeat the content, keeping that content viable; which in turn fosters stronger communities, stronger guilds, and (equally important) increases the sense of effort vs reward.

Obviously GDKP trashes all the stuff above, but it mostly seems to be restricted to the big megaservers, which are already stuffed full of bots and boosters. People asked for the big megaservers, and they got what they asked for, only there’s a heavy price to be paid.


Oh we are having so much fun raiding BWL for 14 months, with 3 tears among all guild casters to show for it. I got most of my game BiS before the damned trinket. You think I will have a “sense of reward” when/if I finally get it? I already hate the trinket before even equipping it.
I know this loot system is what we all signed up for, but it doesn’t make it any less insufferably terrible.

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Sellruns aren’t any better, and forced personal loot won’t fix anything, just look at the retail situation.

They are here to stay, hopefully TBC content will be a bit harder so you don’t have GDKP’s with green geared buyers afking for the whole raid and we’ll see more normal pugs again.

True. A side effect could be Blizz implementing token like on Chinese Classic or Retail to capitalise on sellruns. But I guess they could do just the same for gdkp runs.

Wait and see indeed. I hope you’re right for pugs.

Yes of course you’ll have a sense of reward when, and if you get it. Personally I’ve been after the ring from MC for several months and it’s never dropped once, and I’ve never had a chance to even roll for it - but that’s the nature of RNG. Retail has guaranteed loot, and we all know where that tunnel leads to…

I agree i said the same in the past they have to give personal loot and also revert the tradable loot as raid leaders will just force players to trade them over the gear to redistribute it.

It has other benefits other than reducing botting and gold buying it stops ninja looters rolling need on items they can’t even use I’ve seen for example mages rolling need on hand of justice. It also stops unfair loot systems that funnel gear to the officers first which does in fact happen.

I also think everyone who is participating in the raid should have equal chance in loot I mean min/max guilds can choose not to take underperforming players if you want but it shouldn’t need a carrot on a Stick screwing players out of gear.

Every player made loot system is unbalanced usually screwing over the newer players or people not in the innercircle

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Completely agree. GDKPs are a plague on Classic and it’s very sad that they’re essentially normalised at this point. In theory, gold bid is fine in a vacuum, but in practice it incentivises gold buying/RMT. Both players and ActiBlizz are to blame for this.

Gold buying should be looked down upon and by the community, and Blizzard should actually ban (not a 3 day slap on the wrist, an actual 1 month+ account ban) gold buyers and bots.


I don’t mind GDKP runs, but I don’t join them. Plenty of other pugs on our server. Plenty of guilds that do alt runs as well. GDKP can get you an item if you farmed for it and eliminates part of the luck factor.

Dont like GDKP’s? Dont join them, i dont either, so i have absolutely no issue with them, plenty of soft reserve runs going around on my server at least i can bring my 4 5 6th alt to if i wish.

But the best solution? Join a guild, and you dont ever have to worry about GDKP’s


There are tons of GDKP runs as well as normal runs on my server. Just don’t join them.

The problem is not gbid itself, the problem is the current state of the game.

Bots, RMT and mages’ enormous earnings because of mob pathing exploits.

If they can ban bots, can punish rmt sellers/buyers and can make crocodiles hit ropes; gbid wont be a problem at all.

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The guild part is not always a solution.

I might I have really unlucky but this is what happened in the best guild i raided with in Classic: I spent over a year raiding with up to CThun on farm in p5. They went from casual mom and dads (but serious progression) to 100% gdkp guild. I and many others got kicked while offline with no message on discord (the dude kept all fury warriors, ofc…) when GM realised he could make a fortune and get full T3 for himself and priest wify (officer). That happened after their first week trying GDKP and making a killing.

Today what was the guild is essentially dead, he is full t3 with tf etc and wify got Atiesh. Mission accomplished i guess.

But the bigger picture regarless of that potential “guild destroyer” effect on greedy GMs is the amount of gold that pump into the economy.
It creates basically the “haves” running GDKP and sitting on 20k+ gold, GM runners sitting on 100k+ gold and the “have nots”: normal players having maybe 5/7k gold ready for BC at best.

You might say gold does not mater but this is what gold can buy you in TBC:

  • Gear from GDKP
  • Gladiator from arena boosting
  • PVP gear from arena boosting
  • Domination on wpvp servers (from gear / easy epic flying mount / buying mercenaires)
  • AH domination on you items of choice
  • Alt boosting (from bying mage / pal boosting)
  • Real money income (from gold selling, against tos but hardly enforced nowadays)

You’re blaming bought gold on GDKP.

GDKP is fine on its own, the problem is bought gold.


GDKP is great if Blizzard was even remotely competent at battleing bots.
Retail loot is god awful and can piss off right back to the void where it belongs.
I don’t want the entire game to suffer just because Blizzard is literally running classic with their thumbs in their asses and some bastards who should all be permanently suspended immediately are buying gold.


Exactly, the issue is RMT, and not GDKP.

Yea it is, but not all guilds are the solution, i highly doubt that your GM flipped the guild over night, some form of communication must have happened that you were not taking part in. Maybe it is for the better that you got kicked, or you would still be in that guild.

Not all guilds are the solution, but finding a “home” where you belong is. Plenty of guilds with different mentality towards the game

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How would personalised loot stop gdkp? How to have gdkp with personalised loot; every1 who gets loot trades item to loot manager, bid items out. Refuse to trade item to loot manager? Instaban from every gdkp on server. This could even make a run more lucrative. Imagine 2 or even 3 gressil dropping from KT?

if im honest highlighting the issue here will probably only incentivise bliz to introduce tokens lmao. they will want a piece of this pie… they wont burn the bakery down.