The two FC problems

As a flag carrier, I always run into the two problems - well, there is the rare exception, but it’s really rare. It’s very common to run into these problems:

  1. Rogues. They just stunkill a monk so easily. I avoided and escaped and CCd the rogue like 5 or 6 times, but in the end, it just appeared suddenly, kept me in stun, and before I could even click the trinket so I could try to do something about it, I was dead. This should not be allowed in a good and balanced game, but there you go - the devs seem to be more interested in something else than ‘fun game’ or ‘balanced gameplay’ or ‘giving everyone a fighting chance when rogue attacks’.

Rogues can just murder you quickly and unfairly, especially if you’re a FC, and the most infuriating thing of any game ever, they can keep you in stun for way too long (especially now that everyone on ally side dies in a second or two).

  1. FC protection - or lack thereof. They can have 3 or 6 rogues, and no one is still interested in protecting our FC. Sometimes people will ‘escort’ FC for awhile, jump around while rogue saps the FC, and maybe help CC a rogue, but the second our FC is in our base, everyone just goes to fight in the middle.

This means that problem number 1) becomes emphasized and underlined. It’s not enough that horde always have stunganking rogues to absolutely ruin FC’s life (I’d rather face a DK, paladin, or ANYTHING else, at least even if I die, I would have a fighting chance), but our side has to always abandon and leave the FC.

Just last WSG, after masterfully escaping the rogue a few times, we were at the upper deck, waiting for EFC to die (that also almost never happens, but that’s another story). Then suddenly, the healer priest decides to jump down so now it can’t heal me, and OF COURSE at that very moment, the rogue stuns me, and kills me quicker than I can click the trinket. Even if I could click the trinket, there’s nothing I can do quick enough to prevent death, so thanks a lot, healer.

This kind of thing should be a rare, random thing that sometimes occurs, not an ‘every single time’ kind of most common thing to happen.

Sure, you can blame my gear (or lack thereof), you can blame my skill (though i DID escape the rogue many times, but it’s never enough, as they can always reset the fight and keep you stunned no matter how many times you escape them - there should be some kind of cumulating reward for such an effort - if you manage to escape a rogue, you get some kind of protection shield, and if you do it twice, the shield gets stronger, and the more you escape, the stronger the shield becomes until rogue can’t even gank you anymore)

My shield idea doesn’t have to be an actual shield, it can be an effect that makes rogue unstealth every time it comes near me, and it could expand in range every time I escape a rogue - or it could escalate, in that first it’s just a tiny area, but as it expands, it has also automatic CC ability, so if rogue walks near, it gets stunned (and damage doesn’t break the stun).

Just throwing out some ideas that would make this game more rewarding and well thought-out in my opinion - rogues are a BIG problem, but that’s also an opportunity to add some fun game mechanics like that, and reward systems for playing well.

In any case, there SHOULD be - or at least could be - more ‘rewarding systems for playing well’. If you have the flag, you should have some kind of reward for it. If you kill EFC, you should get a worthwhile and fun-adding reward for it, and so on.

If we’re gonna have ‘borrowed powers’ anyway, why not earn them from playing well instead of PvE grind? Why not have them be fun abilities instead of just ‘lots of one-shotting power’?

With enough imagination and thinking, PvP could be an euphoric dreamland that everyone would want to play.

Anyway, this thought expanded a bit beyond the scope of the original intent, but no harm in that, I hope…

P.S. There is too much stun and CC in this game anyway - I don’t know what the reason for it is, but it’s way out of hand nowadays, completely ridiculous. If you’re attacked by more than 2 players, you’re pretty much guaranteed to sit in stun most of the time it takes them to kill you. It’s not enough to be in a desparate situation, does the game have to take away your abilities as well, so you can’t even try to do anything?

In a real life situation, if 5 people jump you, you can still at least try to tackle someone, punch another one in the nose, and run and escape and whatnot. But in this game, you are not allowed to try anything, whyever would you think you can use your mouse, keyboard or class abilities when someone attacks, that’s a preposterous thought. You just have to sit and take the hits helplessly!

That makes a good game, right? A game… the definition of a game is that you are actually actively -doing- something, but this game seems more interested to become some kind of passive ‘watching experience’, where you’re not allowed to participate or defend, just watch the horror movie of your character dying in stun.

The CC amount has become so ridiculous, and there are so many good ideas floating around even in these very forums as to how to improve, fix, or at least try something more interesting, so I don’t see why they couldn’t at least try to nerf or remove some of it.

Snares are still ok, slows are still ok, but this constant stunchaining is just not very gamelike anymore, and rogue is the core problem when it comes to this stuff. Someone went way too ‘stun-happy’ when they designed BGs, and especially rogues.

Have diminishing returns, have the CC be a tactical decision instead of lazily spammable neverending source of OP.

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