The void-elves Moral compass

Is it just me or does it seem like its all over the place?

So every race so far or most of the playable seems to have a set of moral guidelines. Regular blood elves tend to be pragmatic but due to their past history dislikes necromancy.
Night elves dislikes technology and industrialism.
Forsaken likes all of the darkstuff but champions free will and self-determination (talking about Forsaken as a race, dont bring -her- into this thread)

The humans generally favours ‘clean’ wars, and reserves poison to specialized forces/assassinations and so forth.

The Orcs tend to mirror humans here.

So i finally started doing the war-campaign (hey better late then never).
And really i do not get what is suppose to be the void elves schtick. We have the quests where we essentially sent goblin shredders (prob with pilots in them as the goblins are not quite as themed on true robots as gnomes) To the wow equivalent of Hell. Then we do the same thing to Horde diplomats who are establishing Contacts with the Zandalari.

And then we have the whole Gallywix assassination attempt. So first Comrade Umbric want us to kill the upper-class folks attending his party, because the proletariat should be downtrodden no longer? Ok? you are a blood elf, more or less, did you see no class disparity in Quel’Thalas, what exactly where you shown of the Alliance during your brief stay with us?

But nevermind that, we do not just kill the atendees of the party but also the servants, those that bring drinks etc.

And then we have the whole re-animating raptors as undead to serve as a psychological warfare on the Zandalari.

I mean, i would have gotten ‘‘Oh they are suppose to be evil’’ Ok got it, the Alliance has an evil faction who for some reason was was not embraced head-into-bossom by the Hordes warchief.
I mean thats it, the Alliance schtick is that, we do not suck up whatever dreg you have to ascribe to some sort of higher ideals. The void elves with their directionless volatility would have suited the Horde much better.

But then thats just that, we constantly told they are not evil or well, they act servile to the Alliance, with Umbric constantly looking for the Alliance approval while going on about how his people Always followed the Alliance ideals.

What Ideals exactly? because to me it looks like people wanted the blood elf model and blizzard took the most bat**** neurotic Kael’thas-minded Elves and gave them to the Alliance.


They have none
They are insane, destined to be fall to the Whispers and to become Old God pupets
And no, they are not stronger than slumbering Titan-souls or Dragon aspects

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Traitors, backstabbers, quislings and hypocrites the lot of em.
Ever seen Shadeweaver Zarra?

I rest my case.


I like to think of the void powers as equivalent to nuclear power in real life.

Its potential for damage is as tremendous as it is horrifying. But there are also exceptionally good benefits to it, if utilized properly and with care.
However, since the negative aspects of it are so monumental, people’s perception of it becomes entirely negative – it is something to fear, dislike, and disapprove of.

The Void Elves see all the good sides of the void – all its useful applications. In WoW the potent teleport functionality of the void is often used as an example. What they want is to bring awareness and understanding about the void and how it is not an inherently evil source of power.

In that way they’re not too different from the parts of the real life science community that try to spread awareness about the good aspects of nuclear power – how it’s an efficient and clean source of energy, and so on.

Beyond that, then the Void Elves also utilize the void for its potential in war, because they are seeking approval of The Alliance that they are now part of. Just like the nuclear bombings in WWII, then the moral angle is that the means justify the ends.

As far as their Blood Elf heritage goes, then my interpretation so far is that they left that behind when they were exiled from Quel’Thalas. When you hear Umbric speak, he often comes across as extremely humble and thankful. In a way, the Void Elves feel like a tale of the prodigal son who’s returned – in this case to The Alliance.

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They’re mad, they don’t have morality as we understand it, any Draenei, Paladin and Lightforged should absolutely hate them, and They’re just…no, they’re just bad as heck. They’re like…No, No…This needs to not be a thing…

We can use Void! Yeah, that’s not nukes, that’s like low level chemical warfare. That is -literally- worse than the chap with the funny moustache in the 1940’s and you’re Alliance, right? The ‘Good Guys’? Wow…that’s…yeah, that’s next level…
“We’re good guys!”
“No, you…you really are not good guys…it would be hard to get less like good guys, without changing your name by deed poll to Sargeras….”

The Alliance has a long history of killing people with that mentality, when did that suddenly change?

For real? THey sure don’t seem Humble. We can make Shadow Dinosaurs! “Umm, is that a good thing to do?” “WHo cares! It will really annoy the Zandalari!” “Yeah, but is that a good thing to do? We’re the Alliance…” “Who Cares?” “Yeah, fair, we’re already using Undead, our High King uses Shadow Mind Magic, what the heck, lets just go all out”


Brigante, are you okay or did their whispers get into your head to? You’re rambling nonsense like some Void Elf now to! D:

I used the comparison as an example of a source of power that has both positive and negative usages, but which is regarded by many as entirely negative.

In WoW most sources of power and magic have a duality to their nature. The Light can be used both to heal your allies, but also to smite your enemies.

First of all, I don’t appreciate you drawing such a comparison to me in any manner. Please don’t do that in the future.

Secondly, why on earth are you drawing me into this personally? I have simply responded to the question posed by the OP as I view and interpret the story in WoW. I have no personal motivations and I’m certainly not trying to portray an image of the Void Elves or The Alliance as being “the good guys”. I’m not sure why you feel the need to bring that up at all.

I don’t think The Alliance as a whole operates under a mentality of the means justifying the ends. I would say they’re more driven by moral ideals of justice, faith, peace, hope, and so on. Very standard fantasy-knighthood values in many ways.

Umbric and the Void Elves always seem to be very eager to prove their worth to The Alliance. They are grateful for Alleria’s teachings and their acceptance within The Alliance. This seems reflected – to me – in the ways they accept tasks. In the War Campaign it tends to come across that Umbric as very humble about his deeds, despite the fact that he and the Void Elves wield tremendous power. He seems mainly concerned with whether his Alliance peers approve of the Void Elves and their contribution to The Alliance. I.e. he doesn’t brag or show off (despite arguably having grounds for doing so).

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Naaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I see no such issue with the Void Elves. They are the only people who care about the people of this world.

We need a Void Elf version of Vary’s, while Comrade Umbric is great we need more.

United forever in voidship and labour,
Our mighty kingdoms will ever endure.
The Great Void Union will live through the ages.
The dream of a people their fortress secure.

Long live our Telogrusian motherland,
Built by the people’s mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our voidship tried by fire.
Long may our purple flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all elves to see.

Through days dark and stormy where Great Umbric lead us
Our eyes saw the purple rays of void above
And Alleria our leader with faith in the people,
Inspired us to build up the Void that we love.


i expect to see charity initiatives that prove this claim.

and no, throwing the unwanted into void portals does not count.

The void elves are like children playing with toys that they do not understand. After all, they are the result of an accident. Only with the guidance of the true Master of the Whispers can you find the rightful place and, only then, will they be able to develop their full potential. The moral codes imposed by ancient cultures impede progress towards the Eternal Peace of N’zoth. Accept the gift of the Lord of the Deep, bring His Gifts with pride on your forehead and He will bless you with the Absolute Truth. N’zoth is the Way :octopus:

Correct me, if I am wrong, but I have taken the Void Elves to be “former” Magisters of the Arcane, i.e. learned folk.

Mages have to study long and hard to be called Magister and thus, I would not say that “they do not understand” :slight_smile:

Arcane magic has nothing to do with the gifts that N’zoth bestows. There is no connection between those two schools. A warrior can be very powerful with an ax but he has no knowledge about poisons. N’zoth is the way, do not listen to the charlatans who think they are above the Master of the Depths :octopus:

Being in the presence of us glorious Void Elves is proof enough, no?

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i guess. glory to the… void???

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Wait, so let me get this straight:

The Horde can use the Blight - a chemical WMD, freely without any consideration for collateral damage, they can murder indiscriminately (women and children too) and desecrate the remains of the fallen, they can blatantly disregard peace treaty and assault the Alliance just because they suspect the Alliance might do the same, they destroy the environment, cut down trees and overall be a complete slimy, disgusting parasite to Azeroth, they can lie, cheat, steal and conspire with criminals, etc. (the list goes on and on and on…)

But if the Alliance tries to actually fight back with coutnermeasures, like using Void Elves and their power, suddenly it’s A TRAVESTY! OH THE INHUMANITY! UNACCEPTIBLE!!

All’s fair in love and war. You guys are ok with using underhanded methods because you are a bunch of honorless cheating cowards. But if the Alliance tries to do the same, suddenly they’re not allowed? Double Standards at it’s fines.

I think we went easy on the goblins, we should have tortured them first before sending them to the Void. Hell, Alleria should use all the Void Elves to open a rift to the void smack-dab in the middle of Orgrimmar and let all the civilians get sucked in. That’d be a nice payback for the thousands of innocents burned to death at Teldrassil.


On a scale of 0-10 how much does it hurt you knowing that by the time this expansion ends we’ll all be sitting around one of the bonfires in Orgrimmar, hand in hand and singing Kumbaya?

I’m thinkin’ a solid 9.

Depends - is the rest of Orgrimmar on fire? If so, I’d say about 4/10.

I’ll take whataboutism for 1000 chief


I thought it was Roleplay.

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