There is a "/soothe" emote in the game

It has incredible toxicity potential. I’m going to use it after every duel or arena that I win from now on.

It’s an incredible insufferable emote. I suggest you try it out in game and see for yourself.
Use it on another player of course, else it changes the content of the emote.

Being Vulpera and emoting stuff at people has confirmed to make them 10,000% more angry. Extra points for the cash shop fae mog or last years Blizzcon onesie.


Winning duels / arenas is extremely offensive and toxic to the enemy players, you need to stop winning.


I’m playing the most suboptimal race/spec/covenant combo. If they lose, it’s on them.

People actually have everything turned on in their chat windows?

I only see party, guild, whisper & bnet.

You thought of this at 2am?

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