There's not enough nerf sub rogue threads here

We gotta pump the numbers so maybe Blizzard will do something about this broken abomination of a specc. :smiley:


The classic example on how the paper complains about the scissors.
Step one: search the entire internet for the most broken classes for pvp. Find that warlocks and balance druids are the strongest statistically
Step two: play the classes, be bad and get stomped by another strong class, like sub rogue.
Step three: complain about the sub rogue, even though you know you wouldn’t play it just because warlock and balance druid are the strongest overall.


For sub rogue literally evey other class is paper while itself is scissors.

Didn’t bother with the rest, you’re obviously a rogue main.

It’s not even about how overall strong it is.

A spec that has the potential to actually solokill anyone in the game if it would just crit every single DR rotation, and has autocrit + almost guaranteed kill every 2nd DR (because you get CB SecTec back) is just unhealthy design. Sub Rogue is very anti fun to play against, even as Sub Rogue yourself.

It used to be that Sub had such high burst as it has now. But it was ONCE PER MINUTE, not every single DR. There was also no Duel, one Vanish, no CDR, and a 3min smoke Bomb. Now the oneshot may just happen every go, not every minute, you can perform it in duel, you have 2x Vanish, you have CDR to get the oneshot, the CC and the defensives back faster, 1kd Smoke Bomb is only 2min CD.

Yes, it is stupid.

I would love for Sub to keep that burst damage if Dance was 10s duration 1 lin cD and backstab dealt damage so you can play outside of Dance. Then having the super nuke would be totally justified. But not as it is now.


One funny thing, I noticed many rogues quit the game when Blizzard released what we’ll call “The ret paladin patch”.

Well , for once in decades, rogues (sub rogues especially) were hardly playable and put down to maybe B or even C tier. For once in decades.

I noticed the large majority of the rogue playerbase instantly quit the game, either they rerolled (ret for most of them :clown_face:) or lock or whatever FoTM they could hop on.

Some others straight up quit the game altogether and went to Classic Harcore , because the PvP in Dragonflight, well, it’s “trash” you know. :clown_face:

Now that rogue is back where it belongs (S+ tier broken insufferable class to play against) well they all suddenly feel the game is fun, balanced , it’s not that “trash” anymore and worth to be given a shot. :clown_face:

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I mean ret was literally prepatch state… also numbers didnt lie, tons of classes stopped playing.

Everyone knows sub is dumb

Nerf when? :slight_smile:

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Hopefully at the same time they nerf Destro Locks & Demo Locks :slight_smile:

My issue with Sub is once there is one in the game the whole arena is played around him and his CDs. In the past you could at least pressure him. Now all the damage is irrelevant if he will Vanish and make a go on you anyway.

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I see you checked my profile and realized i am playing demo and quickly added it for full ad hominem. :slight_smile:

Where’s the ad hominem? Can you stop saying words you don’t know the meaning of?

The ad hominem is in the fact that i opened the thread and i play lock and mostly demo and you initially just EXCLUSIVELY wrote destro and later on added demo.

I know what ad hominem means. Do you? :slight_smile:

Does this change the fact that Destro and Demo are also very overtuned outliers in the game right now and also warrant nerfs?

I edited it cus I remembered Demo is also S+ tier, but Destro is S+++ tier.

Nothing to do with you, you ain’t that important unfortunately

Side note - how do you even lose in the first place to Sub MM as Demo Rdru??? :rofl:

No but at least destro already has its respective threads and i don’t see any reason highjacking threads about different classes/speccs.

You’ve shown quite a weird obsession with me in the past though when you started posting from that low level druid flaming me while i had no idea who you even are at that point.

Stuff happens. I pacted, walled, SB HS and then died. Dunno what my druid was doing though. :man_shrugging:

Every nerf X thread is hijacked by bUt WhAt AbOuT Y. That’s how it works. Always will be. You should know this by now thousands of posts and years of talking later. Especially when the ‘nerf X’ are predominately by people who play broken classes themselves

Yeah yeah, Druid’s fault :rofl:

I know people do this. That doesn’t mean i have to agree with it.

I’m not blaming it on the druid alone. Maybe i did something majorly wrong too. Who knows, who cares, it’s just 2s. :man_shrugging:
Problem is, sub is broken in every bracket and needs nerfs.

Then don’t complain about it when it happens

Just like Demo, Destro, Balance and Fire Mage. Where are your threads and comments and details breakdowns for those?

Say lock, broken rogue hahhh :DDD

You’re not really in the position to tell me what to do.

At least for destro they’re in this forum. If you weren’t blind you would have seen them even. :slight_smile:

And what does the class i am posting from have to do with it? I could literally log on my holy pala and post the same facts. :slight_smile:

tbh what can a rogue do vs me zoning them. and cloak of shadows only last for so long.