Time to ban boosts for gold

Why is boosting even an issue?

They are not going to remove loot from Mythic dungeons.

You are barking up the wrong tree and blaming the wrong part of the game for something which will still be there even if you change that part of the game.

Personally I’m indifferent to boosting, I just want it to stick to the trade channel and face hefty punishments for using the group finder.

The token and changes to lockouts have helped make boosting even easier but boosting and gold buying were things before that too.

One reason it is an issue, which i am not sure people have touched on, in this topic so far

Someone who has been boosted joins your group, and you are either pushing your Keystone, trying to progress a raid boss, or trying to gain pvp rating.

They fail, because they don’t have the skill required to play at your level. They just appear to have done this content before, because they were boosted.

Your time, and the time of the others in your group is then wasted. Their boost has just hindered your progress.

Read my first post in this topic for more reason as to why boosting is a massive problem.

I didn’t think boosting was a big issue in pvp but after more research I realize it needs to go, M+ boost on the other hand idk, I’m part of it so I can’t say I don’t like the gold, just having a hard time seeing the bigger picture in terms of consequences, sure some people have a rio they shouldn’t have but people I’ve boosted in 15s just wanted specific pieces of gear and/or KSM for the mount/achievement and a lot and I mean a LOT of them had enough gear or rio on their own to do the 15s, they just had no friends to play with or were tired of failing their keys in pugs.

I have over 200 friends on my battle.net friends list. I run a guild and a community which together have well over 1,000 players in them.

I could easily join one of these so called “boosting communities” and take up advertising for them, for a price of gold. I could supply them with a lot of players who by my influence would go for being boosted, some of which would never have considered being boosted before they saw me advertising.

I could be a part of that boosting thing, and take a chunk of gold. Instead of having to buy wow-tokens (to sell them for gold) to fund my flasks for dungeons.

But I won’t, and never will, because I can see that this boosting is the main driver of the elitist toxic attitude which is growing day by day and ruining the WoW community.

it isn’t bots spamming, it is players using their main account (which blizzard will not ban because it is being played on), and taking a cut of the gold for any boosts sold.

When you relog then you will see the exact same boost seller again, because all reporting it does is mute it for you until you relog.

Sorry to break your bubble but min-maxers have been part of MMOs since day 1.

Agree 100%. Boosting for gold = boosting for real money. Because people actually buy tokens to pay for the boost. TBH I think the boosters purchase game time with gold so I don’t even think Blizzard makes any significant amount of money allowing it.

Not-sorry to break your bubble, but you boost someone for a few level 15 dungeons, then they join another mythic dungeon at level 13/14 and according to raider io they should be good for that dungeon, but they perform terribly and that causes arguments, a depleted key and a waste of time for 4 other players.

This is one part of the toxicity. Needless animosity.

This then in turn drives others to refuse to accept someone else to their dungeon, just in case they are like the first person who was boosted. Hindering their progress, when they might actually be a good player.

I joined a group a few weeks ago, for plaguefall on a medium keystone, where they selected a warlock who had a seemingly high enough raider io score for playing at that level. They caused wipes, blamed others, and left the group. I then checked the warlock’s raider io profile and found that they had completed a number of dungeons at level 15, the rest at 10
 all except plaguefall which they had only done on level 3. I can only assume this player was boosted for the rest.

So believe me, I am in no bubble here, I am simply pointing out what I have seen and experienced many times, thanks to the boosters.

This goes for raids too

Just don’t boost people, if you care at all about this game and the community.

People these days blame every failed thing on boosting. The real thing is that M+ is damn difficult and that at least 50% of all runs are getting depleted. We with a set group have left multiple key runs on +15 because of too many mistakes, while we even have the dungeon timed on +17. The dungeons are difficult.


People don’t need to be boosted to perform poorly and you don’t need to start an argument if it happens either.

Your entire argument is just a bunch of “what ifs” and it doesn’t really hold much value here.

I’ve played just earlier today with a 1600rio monk and they performed horribly, yet they had timed all 15s on their own with no boost, guess that balances your example.

Toxicity isn’t a result of boosting, it’s a result of humans being humans.

O have we now reverted to making troll posts where we break down the other’s post into multiple quotes to try and score points

“People don’t need to be boosted to perform poorly” no, but people who were simply boosted have a poorer experience because they didn’t have to learn to improvise and cope with the mechanics as they would if they had not been boosted.

“you don’t need to start an argument” who said that “I” was starting arguments? This is your assumption and it itself is a “what if”

“Your entire argument is a bunch of ‘what ifs’ and it doesn’t really hold much value here” in your opinion or to you, it may not hold value
 because it would seem that the only thing which does hold value to you in this case, is the gold in the bottom of your bag which you receive for boosting people, so you will defend your right to boost for gold to the end.

Not at all, this doesn’t balance anything. The guy who owned that plaguefall key which i spoke of, said that he had already lost 3 levels off the key. That warlock put the last nail in the coffin for him, he logged off and seemed very upset. I would not be surprised if he quit the game.

“Toxicity isn’t a result of boosting, its human behaviour” this is a statement of misdirection.

You are not doing anyone a favour by boosting them, even if you boost them for free. You are lowering their experience and ruining the experience of others. You are lowering the over-all enjoyment that others could have.

And why do you boost people? “Greed”.

“Greed isn’t the result of boosting, it is human behaviour” Right?

Get a grip man, and don’t try to argue your side of this to me. You are wasting our time.

M+ boosting is for 90% just alts of people who do the content themselves
 they just want to get their new char into the area they are used to play.

People can’t simply be having an off day or playing badly for a dungeon :rofl:

If someone gets tilted it also affects their performance most of the time.

I was going to answer to you but clearly you’re not open to conversation, keep blaming boosters for everything wrong with the game I guess.

I am not blaming boosters for “EVERYTHING” wrong with the game.

I am blaming boosters for what they are due to be blamed for.

Just as I am also pointing out that people here are blaming certain aspects of game’s design which have nothing to do with the supply of boosting.

Go ahead, argue to blizzard that the reason for boosting is the loot from Mythic dungeons, push that argument to force blizzard to remove the loot from Mythic dungeons and make them as unrewarding as the failed Torghast dungeons.

Boosts will still be advertised after you have achieved that. Because as I explained in the first post I made in this topic, third party companies have monetary interests in making boosting communities, in which they can pay people a price of gold to do all the hard work required - to put bare cash into their bank accounts.

Give credit where it is due, and place the blame where it is due.

Why do you care? Why does anyone care how other people play the game? It’s is easily doable to get your gear M+ score and what not by just playing the game, why do you care how little Jimmy got his score?

It baffles me why people care so bloody much

It doesn’t take anything away from your achivements that the person next to you payed for his.

People arguing this dont have a clue 
 the first time i got gold for boosting someone was in bloody vanilla.
And boosting is no different imo than buying an item on the AH.


If you honestly believe that then you are a part of a problem. People want valuable stuff, that is a fact. The moment you gate the [valuable stuff] behind hard content is the moment people would be looking for other ways. That is called a demand.

Without demand boosts would exist or would be minimal. This is not open to discussion.

And when it is one person seemingly helping another, but taking gold from them, that is one thing.

But it is another thing, when it is a number of third party companies founding Discord communities, in which the people doing all the hard work truly believe that the only currency being paid is Gold
 While those companies host websites which sell boosts in Heroic Raids for prices starting at $200 + at the start of a season, and extortionate prices for Mythic Dungeons or PvP ratings.

Players from those communities truly believe there is nothing wrong with what they are doing. They are happy to be collecting a small amount of gold for doing the work. They even get paid gold for doing customer service work.

I feel sorry for those who buy boosts, for gold or for cash. You are misdirecting the argument though

It doesn’t matter to me what achievement points someone has. I don’t care much about my own achievement points. I would just like to be able to play the game as it was intended to be played.

I should not have to search the Group Finder for “wts” each time i open it, to sit for 10 minutes or more, clicking “report for advertisement” in order to clear out all of the boost advertisements, just so that I can find a real group to join. Nobody should have to do that.

I also should not be having my time wasted in groups where someone who was boosted managed to get into a group which is more difficult than their skills as a player can handle.

Boosters are just going to keep misdirecting this argument. They have an incentive to do so, that being the gold that they are getting or could be getting for boosting people.

I just hope that people will start to realise what I have explained here. About Boosting Communities being run by third party companies, who are making a great deal of real money whilst the players doing all the work FOOLISHLY take a few pieces of gold as a pay packet.

Maybe when people start to realise this, they will stop thinking that their is nothing wrong with boosting.

Maybe when more people know this, Blizzard will then start to silence accounts and hand out time-bans for advertising boosts in-game.