Titan Residuum gear

So,i went on and bought 460 armor for myself since im unlucky getting it from the raid,bad azerite traits destroyed it insta,went on to buy one again maybe my luck changes,got the SAME exact armor as the previous one+ mind you i had 1 more exact same from weeks before when i first bought one,so that makes 3 useless pieces of armor that are the completely the same…I mean is it always the same thing you get when you spend residuum,because i thought its random?

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They’re supposed to be randomly picked from a pool of available items within that catagory but you answered it already.

It seems so :sweat_smile:


Did a weekly so i could buy myself a set for 445/450 pieces for all 3 of my specs on palla :smiley:

16 same chest in a row

Yeah, no, i refuse to believe this is just ‘‘bad luck’’ or ‘‘rng’’

welcome to the club :sunglasses:

The armor stays the same until the day changes. Tested in 8.2.5 with leftovers with 100% accuracy.

WoW really? so i should wait for tomorrow and try again? :smiley:

Yes. It’s stupid. Small indie company.

That has happened to me aswell, last week i got 2x the same piece, and this week aswell.

if thats true and you get the same thing the whole day…i mean thats soo bad wtf Blizzard really?

You really got a wait a day… ? wtf :laughing:

In season 2 i got the same shoulders 14 times in a row ( Mythic ilevel on all ) same head 9 times in a row ( I think it was ) and chest 6 times in a row

So i find your

Hard to believe tbh

I mean if you buy on the same day (specific date). I don’t think you saved residuum to buy all those items in one go?

Thaaat …

Sits down Oh my god

I always buy them on reset day!

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Wait wtf

So the piece you get is predetermined until daily reset? Where the f was this told?

This sounds incredible. So rng is not… random?

I believe what he means to say is that the piece you buy is RNG, but whatever you got the 1st time will then replicate when you make a purchase the same day.

I doubt that tho


Bought 2 460 chests, got 2 different pieces.

Repeating an action right after the last can yield such results. RNG seems to be slow in its alteration of seeds or something.
You can see that in legacy loot mode in the old raids. It is very likely that you get the same item twice and unusually likely that you get it thrice.

U ever noticed when u did warfront and u do HC for quests but do them both in one go, amd then u get same reward but different ilvl? Or is it only me, always geting 2x legs/shoes/hands… Literaly whatever, always 2x same item but different ilvl.

Something similar is happening here imo, just in case, do a relog or somethig after each piece

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