To be fair

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play demon hunter. The skillset is extremely complex, and without a solid grasp of PVP strategy most of the plays possible will go over a typical player’s head. There’s also Anoraaz’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into their characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Venruki’s youtube channel, for instance. The true demon hunters understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these plays, to realise that they’re not just good - they say something deep about WoW. As a consequence people who dislike demon hunters truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the diffuclty in demon hunter’s metamorphosis which itself is a cryptic reference to Mickiewicz’s drama Forefathers’ Eve. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Brian Holinka’s genius PvP design unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools… how I pity them.


dh is nkt really any easier that 90% of the other specs.
people only get triggered by certain spec.

you hear:
dh ez
bm ez
ww spin to win
godlike rdruid
dwyane braindead shaman
arms ez
mm one shot brain dead
fire too ez

people literally say this about every single spec that is considered to strong.
most classes have a similar amount of buttons and a fairly simple totation to do dmg. there are only few skillful skills left in the game.

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Depends on how broken spec is. U need to do so little to be good at. Lets take BFA - back-pedal cliker spam fear into diminishing destorlocks at 2.6K MMR? Ez! Same was with UDK - its complex spec, but when it was broken - people just q and spam Necrotic Strike and get Elite, even people who never played PvP and arena.
This game is about roll something broken and get what u want. This game never will be even close to any skillbased ESports game.


Thing is, damage wise we have fel tons of broken specs.
But among these specs we have outliners like fire, ww, warriors, MM, BM who can deal same amount of damage, but with less vulnerable set up or no set up at all.

Or you can have ferals, shams, palas who can deal crazy damage and have insane self sustain, while other classes have weaker damage or self sustain.

yes of course there are outliers dmg wise and are broken. but that doesnt make the other specs any harder to play. they just perform worse because their dmg or surv or utility is less.

just saying people always crapping on the current op spec for being faceroll is kinda stupid, because all classes and specs are faceroll by default.
people are just angry they lost to the op spec and that everyone plays it now. but the problem is that we have so little tools now that most comes down to raw cds when you hit a certain skill level.
The r1 players must play the op specs. they cannot win a tournament with potato specs no matter how good they play

People are right to be mad, because current game design is a steaming pile of tauren crap.

With current meta, and rules of meta AKA oneshots, you as a player on the other end in 80% of situations can’t do a thing to survive. Monks and MM could kill you right through your defenses, unless you have some form of immunity to survive that.

Melee mobility is just broken, most of the time caster doesn’t have tools to create a distance gap for a few seconds when melee can just close the gap in 1gcd and continue their pressure damage or burst damage without breaking a sweat.

Design is trash, people can and should be mad. Current game doesn’t promote any sort of skills, just a simple damage rotation to oneshot your enemy and queue for the next arena.

What people don’t understand, thus don’t point out in their complaints, is that Blizzard created this whole oneshot meta, in such a way to cover the disgustingly bad design of classes and their lackluster gameplay.

And you revealed who you are haha xD

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