Today I will remind you

I doubt that very much

To the surprise of nobody here, I imagine

Dignity for who, exactly? The people who have no interest in roleplay and also have 200+ other servers to to choose from, or the roleplayers who have to endure harassment, griefing and ridicule with no other servers they can retreat to where they can be left to roleplay in peace?

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From Trailoff: Athramus you were doing less damage as the tank when you were carried through heroic and mythic, please don’t mention PVE at all


And he learned from oocers to play the game
 maybe his teachers weren’t that good at pve either.

This is Trailoff, I can confirm your statement

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Learning from google is definitely looking more promising.

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Or just simple trial and error until we get it right, that is effeciant as well.


Yeah, I was really bad back then - didn’t have any corruption gear etc but I am improving, slowly but steadily. My dps is a steady 55k on bosses right now (after a few minutes). Not the best, but decent.

I have nothing against Trailoff, besides, he plays alongside full-time OOC guilds so I think he could be a good example of what I am saying.

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Yeah but I also lead an IC group of cultists called the Black Order and create roleplay.

I still don’t think you should like talk down on people for not having curve/doing high keys etc. when you were (at the time idk about now) boosted to achieving what you now have.


I checked you on armory, and I wonder
 where are your mechagon bracers? Your OOC friends should’ve told you these bracers at 415 outperform any other bracers in the game by a mile.

Again, people on put themselves so high up are prone to do just this without justification, plus, he has gone so high up if he were to go down, the fall would just kill him so let us stop “shouting” and get the thread back on track.

Edit: I will start. OOCERS :point_right: :door: and you can take the dragon wanna be with you since he likes you so much.

It is how I started, yeah. But I have pugged N’Zoth heroic three times via lfr, and am usually the fifth or fourth on the dps meter. It’s not great, but it isn’t awful either I’d argue.

Yeah, you’re a good example that OOC and RP co-exist on the server.

I have farmed workshop mythic a dozen of times by now. The only drop I had was the 455 staff.

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I think others try to look at it from multiple angles aswell mate. I too question myself often, but when it comes to this particular arguement, no, I still cannot see how you can honestly defend the position that you take.

And as for seeing all persons that hold an arguement counter to yours as one group is also wrong. Sure, it’s easy to say that it’s just the PCU reeeïng against OOC’ers, as it’s indeed many of them that respond here in this thread, I mean, it was made by one of them.
But other people, myself included, are not a part of the PCU in any capability whatsoever and yet still come to the conclusion that griefers have no place here and that OOC’ers are best off at another realm.


Kind of cringe to comment on someones performance and knowledge while parsing green or blue at best.

Kind of cringe posting on an alt.

To your surprise it is my main.

Lame to have a lvl 10 with little achiv point as a main and only use it to be an absolute idiot or troll.

Except I have a purple parse on mythic Maut and was getting mostly purple/golden parses in any tier prior to Ny’alotha

Do heroic then. This piece doesn’t scale with ilvl well and even the 415 from heroic will be stronger than your current bracers.

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You know, except that he roleplays. Which OOCers do not. :woman_facepalming:

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What about Skitira and Wrhation? You probably just forgot about those I guess, no worries.