Today I will remind you

Ive tried to read through most of what ive missed.

As ive said before and what has been said to death already: if a person has zero interest in roleplay at all, they shouldnt be on this server.

Most rpers do ooc activities and are good at it on The side. All pure oocers bring us are People like fruit basket gang or a certain truck driver poorly pretending to be a random pandaren poster.

Thats it really. Not much more to it.


I still preach RP rules in my OOC guilds/encourage people to roleplay. I am a missionary who only does PVE so he can get Old God transmogs.


Exactly. You know that you gain more advantages when you join a guild which is a full-time OOC guild, even if a part of you would prefer to be in a role-play guild / not have OOCers at all.

Rpers could still have a guild dedicated to OOC activities/raiding, while still having all of their members rping normally.

I believe Eminence is a great example of that.

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Skitra doesn’t matter (she’s disabled in all stars ranking for a reason) and my last logged Wrathion thing was long ago, I geared up a lot since then. Not to mention that blue parses in mythic aren’t actually too bad. A full team of blue parsers will meet any of the dps checks easily.

Like what?

Stop with the already debunked assumption that RP hinders PVE/PVP progression. Most RPers that do either aren’t in the inner rungs because they prioritise RP over those, not because their RP interferes with it? What is hard to understand about this?

Also stop with the assumption that membership in an OOC guild seems to stop one RPing.

Serious raiding takes up like what 3 days a week? It’s entirely plausible someone can raid at mythic level in a guild and RP on off days, but suprise suprise the demand for mythic raiding guilds isn’t massive on an RP server due to people priotising RP as a conscious choice. Not surprising given this is the last server where you can get regular RP.

I would wager that if the boys and girls of this server got together to form a guild with an RP concept but also do serious PVE in said guild they’d be able to do it no problem. The issue is the demand isn’t there. It’s extremely rare you find someone who wants to be in a guild that does both. They either prefer to RP in a guild organised, do content more casually, or they do organised PVE in a guild and RP in a less organised way. It’s not that the two activities are mutually exclusive. Nothing about them necessarily stops the other being done provided a timetable is worked out.


Stop trying to reason with hewhocannotbereasonwith, just stop replying and let fall in obscurity.


I hope y’all are ready to thank the OOCers for their service


Ah… Another server crash, caused by none other than OOCers and Babyasmon, thank you kindly, for ruining the server yet again.


Muh isolated incident.


You mean asmongold right? He’s hosting some stupid mount off or whatever on this server.

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Imagine forum defending OOCers for 4+ hours on the same day they crash an RP server through a mount/whatever streamer contest.

Really makes you think.



I imagine hewhocannotbereasonwith will just say: “Pfa, isolated incident, whocares if oocers come to bother you, your case doesn’t matter ahah.”


It’ll more likely be “you brought this on yourselves.”

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Or that, and he still dares asking: “Why the hell are you being so mean to me, I’m the decent one here so why the hostility? You guys are being jerks.” insert fake tears

The cause behind Asmon’s server choice was ERP drama, and it has little to do with OOCers being on the server. I can see why this event has caused distress but, again, it was a twenty minutes lag - I was in Stormwind and could /s and move. I had a slight delay, but didn’t prevent me from RPing. I’m sure everyone else shared a similar experience.

It’s funny how you’re inviting people to ignore me, yet you’re here replying to every single post I make, and even replying to those I haven’t made.


Probably best to stop feeding them. They’re angry, understandably, that the server was ruined for however long it was. Yet I do believe there is no need for them to bicker about you. That is where they stoop low. In the end you can ignore them for a better experience if by forum ignore feature or using the script.


He knew what’d happen if he chose AD for some form of ‘event’, so I’m not going to buy that he didn’t expect to disrupt or cause issues. Thumbing his nose at us.

Oh, he had a character on AD? Right, mister WoW for a living can’t roll up/move an alt somewhere else, okay.


With the amount of donations he’s getting, a transfer or boost should be perfectly affordable if he immediately needed a high level char to host an event and his only EU one happened to be on Argent Dawn.

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Yes. Exactly. I’ve also used realm move services, it’s actually pretty fast so it’d not even prevent a stream going ahead.