Today I will remind you

For real? poggers

Looks like a fight. A rattlesnake vs a viper. Who will win? :thinking:

The mongoose.

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I haven’t been in the discord for 2+ years

Try harder

Christ famo, haven’t you grown out of your cringe phase yet?

l m a o in 10 chars

I don’t think bringing up a claim of domestic abuse really counts as a “gotcha”, it’s just gross.


when it was preceded with him trying to use the same e-thug behavior on her (after she told him to be quiet) that he was known for on MG it was comedy gold

Reminds me of the good old xbox live days when you could hear the mum of some squeaker giving them a bollocking for swearing online

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that pretty much sums it up

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i frankly don’t know what he’s on about, I was in a guild called Forgotten Pact for a short while but I got demoted when I was being a douche to a guildie, 14yr old ego couldnt handle that stuff at the time so i left, mind this must’ve been in tbc almost lol

my mother is a very nice woman who has never physically harmed any children

How’s your tumblr blog going famo? I see you started posting again recently.

LOL my what now

The kayzual spin-off series, you know. The one you’ve kept going for years now despite the terrible writing.

Why would I keep a blog about Kayzual?

No need to be shy buddy, you have plenty of fans.

I can’t wait for the next epic public discord leak, that secret agent larp you do is hilarious.

aha coad, ye no it’s not mine

Ok buddy, mum’s the word.

Well… you fit in with the rest of circus there.

ok cool???